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The PSOE and the PP are already preparing the meeting next Friday in Moncloa between Sánchez and Page

Without a doubt, this week in the region will have as a reference from the political point of view the meeting that the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García, will hold in La Moncloa this Friday -Page, and yesterday there was already some progress in the ranks of the PP and PSOE. Thus, the regional president of the “popular”, Paco Núñez, asked Page to explain to Sánchez his rejection of the Catalan quota and singular financing for Catalonia. In response, Socialist MP Fernando Mora asked Núñez to defend water initiatives and regional funding for the region before this meeting.

Regarding the expectations of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha in this meeting, Fernando Mora He assured that García-Page is clear that this is an appointment “from president to president” defending the interests of his region as “it is necessary”.

And he added that “It seems that the PP still does not realize“We think that by being a tyrant and lying, we can reach the people. Here we must differentiate the attitudes, that of Page, in defense of the interests of Castilla-La Mancha, and that of Núñez, that of not defend. “.

Along the same lines, and regarding García-Page’s influence to oust Sánchez from power and call elections – as Núñez stated – Fernando Mora called this approach “absurd”, because the calling of The elections depends solely on the president of the state of government.

Finally, regarding the extension of the deadline for amendments to the new autonomy statute and the PP’s negotiations in this regard, the socialist deputy recognized that At this point, they are in agreement with the “popular”since “the negotiations are going well”. However, regarding the negotiations on the electoral law, he declared that until the new statute is approved, there will be no negotiations regarding the composition of the deputies of the Autonomous Chamber.

Before Mora’s statements, the president of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñezhad asked the regional president, Emiliano García-Page, not to “support” Pedro Sánchez at Moncloa, to “knock him down” from the presidency of the government, by explaining his rejection of the Catalan quota and singular financing for Catalonia. during the meeting that the two leaders will hold on Friday October 4.

He assured that the only one who has the power to guarantee the end of Sánchez’s mandate is Emiliano García-Page, since he can ask his congressional deputies to vote against this single funding for Catalonia.

In this regard, he emphasized that “Page lied to all the people of Castile-La Mancha. Where is the declaration of July 31 where he put his foot on the wall? To add that “the people of Castile-La Mancha” do not want Pedro Sánchez, “they want general elections” and that their Autonomous Community has fair financing.

Who wins if Sánchez falls?. Spain wins, Castilla-La Mancha wins. An electoral process would be opened, we would be called to the polls and the Spanish people could elect a new government. “We would prevent the theft of the 700 million that the socialists want to send to Catalan separatism,” Núñez said.

And regarding the negotiations with the PSOE regarding the new status of Autonomy, once the amendment deadline has been extended until October 23, stressed that the project is in negotiation with civil society and described this extension as “positive”, because it allows it to be further enriched, and was “optimistic” about the negotiations with the socialists, because their objective is to reflect the majority position of the people of Castile-La Mancha, hoping that the “lies” transferred to other issues do not contaminate the negotiation status.

Strategic issues

Page himself announced yesterday that during his meeting with Sánchez his intention was to “raise issues that have strategic significance for the region”, with a a clear prominence of water, recalling that “precisely today we are at good levels at the upper course (of the Tagus) due to the recent rains and also due to the decisions that have been taken”, but insisted on the need to “accelerate” the changes in the operating rules of the Transfer.

Likewise, he announced that he would also present to President Sánchez some issues related to the region’s strategic infrastructure“which will surely depend a lot on the budget and the spending ceiling.” Furthermore, he guaranteed that he intended to speak about fundingeven if in this matter “I want above all to listen, because my proposals are known and of course I am going to say to the presidency the same thing that people listen to me in the street. “I have this bad habit or unusual habit of saying the same thing in private as I do in public,” he added.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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