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The PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha will hold the Congress after Christmas in which Page will be a candidate again

The PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha, led by the President of the Council, Emiliano Garcia-Pageas Secretary General, has just activate the whole political machine to celebrate after Christmasat a date yet to be specified, the regional party congress, of which Page himself will once again be the official candidate and the primaries established in the statutes will be called.

Sources from the leadership of the PSOE Castilian-La Mancha confirmed to EL ESPAÑOL-EL DIGITAL CLM that, barring any last-minute changes, the Regional Executive The party will decide next Monday, September 16, on the date of the Regional Committee in which all the operational for the Congress in view of its celebration in the city of Toledo in January 2025 or, at the latest, at the beginning of February.

This The Commission is expected to take place on Saturday, September 21, although the date of the 28th is also being considered.even if in any case the Regional Congress Work Schedule. At present, it is more likely that the Congress will be held in January, as the regional leadership of the party wants consolidate the current “strong leadership” page as soon as possiblethe only regional president of the PSOE with an absolute majority.

Xth Regional Congress of the PSOE of the CLM

When and where did it take place? In February 2012. Toledo.

Did Page have a rival? No. He was the only candidate for the General Secretariat, replacing José María Barreda.

What was the result? Page and his executive were supported by 95.8% of delegates, with 275 votes in favor, 12 abstentions, 3 blank votes and 2 invalid votes.

XI Regional Congress of the PSOE of CLM

When and where did it take place? In October 2017. Toledo.

Did Page have a rival? Yeah. The former mayor of Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) and todayThe general director of institutional relations of Renfe, José Luis Blanco, has challenged the socialist leadership with the already president of Castilla-La ManchaThe result of the primaries held in September 2017 was favorable to Page, who won with 71% of the vote.

What was the result? At the ensuing convention, Page and his executive won the support of 78.6 percent of delegates, with 199 votes in favor, 54 blank and 6 invalid.

12th Regional Congress of the PSOE of CLM

When and where did it take place? In October 2021. Toledo.

Did Page have a rival? No.

What was the result? Page was re-elected and began his third term as secretary general with 99.7% support from delegates, with 332 votes in favor, 1 blank and 1 void.

Page support

Obviously, and despite the strong confrontation between the Castilian-La Mancha president and Pedro Sánchez, The Regional Executive will give its full support to Page to be an official candidate again for the position of secretary general of the regional PSOE, without excluding, in any case, that an alternative candidate of Sanchism could present himself in the primariesan option that management sources are considering”unlikely” right away.

The sources consulted consider that the current management of Page, both in his capacity as President of the Board of Directors and in his role as Secretary General of the PSOE, “is absolutely solid” and there is no point in “moving what works”“, even if they are aware that The primaries are unpredictable and there may be other candidateseven more so after the numerous and constant clashes with Ferraz and Moncloa, openly organized in the Federal Committee on September 7.

In any case, this work schedule is based on the progress of the Federal Congress on November 29 and 30 and December 1 in Seville what Sánchez recently announced and which requires that the territorial congresses be held within a maximum period of 90 days, including that of Castilla-La Mancha. Page’s PSOE wants to move as soon as possible and organize all dates now so that there are no setbacks at the Regional Congress and that the regulatory deadlines are respected.

No signs, no fear

Party leaders consulted by this newspaper assure that There is “no indication” that an alternative candidacy to Page will occur.although This possibility does not scare them either.In this sense, they highlight the solidity of the leadership of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Secretary General since February 2012, when he won his first Regional Congress and took over the leadership of the Executive.

Since then, Page renewed his mandate at the 2017 and 2021 Congresses and hopes to do so again at the next one in 2025, “Without any fear”, they explain a possible maneuver of the sanchismo that has been talked about intensely in Castilian-La Mancha politics since the beginning of the new political course, and even before.

At the 2012 and 2021 regional conventions, Page was elected as the sole candidate, although in 2017 he faced the candidacy of Jose Luis Blancomayor of Azuqueca, whom he completely defeated. Page has also served as chair of the Communities Council since spring 2015. and his leadership has only grown, with a renewed absolute majority in Castilla-La Mancha that no one has in the PSOE, not even, of course, Pedro Sánchez in the Congress of Deputies.

Territorial leadership

Therefore, Page’s entourage is clear that “It makes no sense” to open an internal war in the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha driven by sanchismo, especially with such strong leadership as Page’s in the region.

These sources believe that the regional PSOE “is experiencing a moment of great internal peace and stability” and “Only Page guarantees” a new electoral victory in the regional elections of Castile-La Mancha in 2027.

Internally, these sources explain, provincial addresses from the PSOE Castilian-La Mancha support page and “they wouldn’t understand any maneuver” internal opposition to them, even though they insist that primaries are included in the party statutes and constitute an open option for “any adventure.”




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