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The PSOE of Seville removes Susana Díaz from the list of delegates to the federal congress that will re-elect Pedro Sánchez

The Provincial Executive Commission of the PSOE of Seville approved this Friday the list of 57 delegates who will represent the provincial socialist organization at the federal congress that the party will hold on November 30 and 31 and December 1 in the Andalusian capital. At the head of the delegation will be the secretary general of the PSOE-A and socialist spokesperson in the Senate, Juan Espadas; who is followed by the general secretary of the PSOE of Seville and president of the Provincial Council, Javier Fernández. One absence from the list attracts attention, that of the current senator of Andalusia and regional president Susana Díaz (2013-2019), who was the former regional secretary of the party.

The criterion that was followed to select the delegates is to include the secretaries of local groups based on the number of activists they have. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. The national representative of Seville is included in the list of delegates who must revalidate the leadership of the current secretary general of the federal PSOE and president of the government, Pedro Sánchez. Carmen Castillethe European deputy Lina Galvez or the senator Antonio Gutierrez Limoneswho do not lead any group, among other deputies and senators who do not have organic functions. In the same situation is Susana Díaz, who was directly “deleted”. To find out the reasons for its exclusion, ABC has consulted provincial leaders and is awaiting a response.

The problem is that Susana Díaz is not just any activist. She was the last socialist president of the Council and the “number one” of the Andalusian PSOE for eight years.

In the note published by the Sevillian PSOE, they defend that “all regions of the province are represented on the list, with the weight of socialist mayors and also with a representation of socialists who carry out their work in institutions like the European Union “. Parliament, Congress of Deputies, Senate and Andalusian Parliament.

According to the provincial leadership, the list reflects “the integration that the party leadership has been working towards since its election to the provincial socialist congress.” Indeed, there are activists of different sensibilities. But there are eloquent absences.

Disagreement between Espadas and Díaz

It’s no secret that relations between Espadas and Díaz have become strained in recent years. The current regional leader wanted to settle scores with the senator accusing him in a press article of “undermining the honor” of Chaves and Griñán and the “image” of the party for its lack of communicative diligence to counter the story of fraud in the ERE affair. The former president of the Council of Andalusia denied these accusations and refuted the regional secretary of the socialists through her account on X: “Some, desperate to find their place, say a lot of nonsense.”

The rest of the list responds to simple alphabetical order and parity, with the capital councilor Encarnación Aguilar in third position, followed by the mayor of La Algaba, Diego Manuel Agüera; Osuna’s advisor, Rosario Andújar; the mayor of Las Navas de la Concepción, Andrés Barrera; the first mayor of Espartinas and provincial deputy, Cristina Los Arcos; the mayor of Villanueva del Río and Minas, Miguel Ángel Barrios; national representative and former provincial representative Trinidad Argota; the mayor of Lebrija, José Barroso; Senator Eva Patricia Bueno; capital councilors Juan Carlos Cabrera and Natalia Buzón; the mayor of La Roda, Juan José Carnerero; the mayor of Aznalcázar, Manuela Cabello; the former councilor of Lora del Río Francisco Carrasco, the first mayor of Mairena del Aljarafe Antonio Conde; the Andalusian parliamentarian Adela Castaño; provincial deputy Gonzalo Domínguez; Congresswoman Carmen Castilla; the mayor of Gines, Romualdo Garrido [que está procesado por el caso de ‘La Pará’] and Capital City Councilor Myriam Díaz.

Then there is the municipal spokesperson of Écija, Sergio Gómez; the mayor of the capital Carmen Fuentes and her group partner Pedro Ignacio González; Lina Gálvez, MEPcapital councilor David Guevara; Sonia Gaya, also city councilor of Seville; he senator and former mayor of Alcalá de Guadaíra Antonio Gutiérrez Limones; councilor María Luisa Gómez; the socialist spokesperson of Mairena del Alcor, Pedro Madroñal; the mayor of Castilleja de la Cuesta, Carmen Herrera; the former mayor of Seville, municipal spokesperson and senator, Antonio Muñoz; the mayor of Gelves, Isabel Herrera; his counterpart from Estepa, Antonio Jesús Muñoz Quirós; the councilor of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Ana Isabel Jiménez; capital advisor Francisco Javier Páez; Camas councilor Inmaculada Márquez Montes; the former government delegate of the Junta Demetrio Pérez; THE regional parliamentarian Encarnación Martínez; the organizing secretary of the Sevillian PSOE and regional deputy, Rafael Recio; the mayor of El Saucejo, María Moreno, and the mayor of Morón, Juan Manuel Rodríguez.

Below are the general secretary of the PSOE of San Juan de Aznalfarache, Inmaculada Muñoz; the mayor of Dos Hermanas, Francisco Rodríguez; the mayor of Castilleja de Guzmán, María del Mar Rodríguez Pérez, the provincial deputy and mayor of Cañada Rosal, Rodrigo Rodríguez Hans; the mayor of Marchena, Mar Romero; the first councilor of El Viso del Alcor, Gabriel Santos; Pilar Sánchez Liánez, provincial deputy and former mayor of Las Cabezas Francisco José Toajas; Coria’s socialist Fátima Sosa; the Government subdelegate, Francisco Toscano Rodero; the capitular of Gerena María Tenorio; the former mayor of Utrera José María Villalobos and the councilor of La Rinconada Raquel Vega.

At the top of the list, “Espadas received a number of mentions well above the maximum that the bases of the conclave allow it”, underlines the party.

The list will be accompanied by another list of 57 observers with voice but without vote, because before the 41st Federal Congress, the PSOE of Seville will hold a convention with the Sevillian delegation to approve the conclusions of the debate on the framework document. .


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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