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The PSOE once again resorts to the “narco friend of Feijóo” in response to the “8 highways of corruption” criticized by the PP

The PSOE once again resorts to photo of Feijóo with Marcial Dorado, taken in 1995in response to the “eight highways of corruption” denounced by the PP, which surround President Pedro Sánchez and his government.

“It is an anomaly in Europe that someone, with a drug dealer friendaspired to preside over a government,” said PSOE spokesperson Esther Peña on Sunday, referring to the national leader of the PP.

Peña spoke these words just minutes after the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, announced the filing of a complaint against the PSOE before the National Court, for the alleged crimes of illegal financing, influence peddling and corruption.

The complaint is based on the testimony of a confidant, who said he participated in the delivery of bags with 90,000 euros at the socialist headquarters of Ferrazin one of the branches of the Koldo affair: VAT fraud on the purchase of hydrocarbons, for which judge Santiago Pedraz sent the commission agent to prison on Thursday Victor de Aldama.

The PSOE’s response is to once again use the image of Feijóo with Marcial Dorado taken 29 years ago, when the only cases that weighed on the latter were tobacco smuggling.

Despite this, over the past two years, Pedro Sánchez and some of his ministers have used this friendly relationship from three decades ago, whenever the government found itself in difficulty.

Sánchez did this for the first time during the control session of the Congress of Deputies in March 2023, when Feijóo asked him for explanations on the Tito Berni affairin the middle of the pre-campaign for the municipal and regional elections of March 28.

Again, three days before the 23-J general elections, Sánchez described “such close relationships are disturbing” that Feijóo had in the past with Marcial Dorado, he said in an interview with La Sexta.

And last March, when Feijóo first asked the President of the Government for explanations on the Begoña Gómez case before the Congress of Deputies, Sánchez alluded to the trips made by Feijóo with Marcial Dorado thirty years ago.

After the Steering Committee held this Sunday by the PP to analyze the latest revelations of the Koldo affairCuca Gamarra stressed that President Pedro Sánchez is the “zero kilometer” from which the “eight highways of corruption” start that besiege “his government, his party and his family environment.”

Pedro Sánchez is suffocated by corruption“Because of his parliamentary weakness and political discredit,” Gamarra said, “he is a surrounded president. The sooner he accepts this and stops tarnishing the name of Spain, the better.”

Cuca Gamarra described during a press conference the PSOE’s “highways of corruption”, which cover the different branches of the party. Koldo affair(from mask contracts to Delcygatethe million dollar rescue of Air Europa and the VAT fraud on hydrocarbons), as well as the Begoña affair and the legal case that a judge is investigating for the contract of the Provincial Council of Badajoz with the brother of Pedro Sánchez.

As reported by EL ESPAÑOL this Sunday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez took advantage of her visit to Madrid in January 2020 to bring suitcases containing money into Spain, according to commission agent Víctor de Aldama.

Pedro Sánchez knew it“, said Aldama, who also boasted of his frequent visits to Moncloa, according to information published by this newspaper.

Minister Ábalos at the time and Víctor de Aldama went to receive Delcy Rodríguez at Barajas airport, despite the Chavista leader being banned from setting foot on Spanish soil, due to the sanctions that the EU had imposed on it in June 2018 for their involvement in the violation of human rights.

The Podemos rebels

Meanwhile, Podemos became the only partner of the “investiture bloc” to speak out on the latest known revelations from the government. Koldo affair.

During the demonstration in favor of the right to housing organized this Sunday in Madrid, the secretary general of Podemos, Ione Belarra, demanded “credible” explanations from the PSOE on the corruption plot.

“It is absolutely implausible to think that the number two of the PSOE, the boss of Ferraz,” he said in reference to former minister José Luis Ábalos, “I was putting my hand in the box and the PSOE as a whole knew nothing about it. »

“It’s not credible,” he added, “they need to give a lot more explanation.” However, the Podemos leader blamed this corruption affair on “bipartisanship”.

Ione Belarra sat in the Council of Ministers alongside José Luis Ábalos, then head of Transport, and Vice President Pablo Iglesias, when the Koldo affair She remained active and did business selling masks to different ministries.

Belarra’s comments are part of Podemos’ strategy to make itself known and affirm its four deputies in Congress.

Sources from the Purple Party indicated this week that their deputies would support the 2025 General State Budget and the measures of the so-called democratic regeneration plan promoted by Pedro Sánchez, only if the government negotiated with them and accepted their amendments.




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