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The PSOE stands out from the German socialists and supports the granting of Taurus missiles to Ukraine for use on Russian soil.

The Spanish socialists stand out from their partners in the European Parliament by supporting Ukraine. From coalition partners in government, Sumar, and parliamentary partners, voting in favor of using modern Taurus missiles against targets on Russian soil. And the PSOE stands out from its sister party in Germany, the SPD of Olaf Scholzwhich refuses to comply with what was agreed in the European Parliament, taking advantage of its military leadership and the patent for German-made weapons, but which Spain also has.

The Spanish socialist delegation maintains its unequivocal support for Kyivalthough he had to face the powerful representation of the German SPD, in a controversy that this week acquired particular importance. The PSOE gave its favorable vote to offensive use on Russian soil, “against legitimate military objectives”of weapons delivered by the countries of the European Union. Specifically, the Taurus missiles.

Ukraine not only wants them, but demands them attack Vladimir Putin’s regime. And this Thursday, this became clear with the visit of the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister. Dmytro Klimenkov appeared before the European Parliament’s Defense Subcommittee seeking “greater commitment” from member states with their promise to support Kyiv “as much as necessary” to win the war in Russia.

European parliamentary sources explain that Germany “is the one that sets the tone” in the European institutions in everything relating to military aid to the government of Volodymyr Zelensky. Not only is it the economic locomotive of Europe, but it is the most militarily influential country since Scholz gave a sudden turn in its military policyafter the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Social Democratic Chancellor tripled the defense budget and abandoned Germany’s traditional pacifist stance inherited from World War II and the reunification process of the 1990s.

But, in the same way as It was difficult for him to make the decision to accept the delivery of battle tanks.a little over a year ago, to Ukraine, no longer wants to cede this modern weapons system, due to its lethality and operability. Despite his political weakness, the fact that the entire opposition is demanding it “and that his government is divided because even the Greens are asking for it”, Scholz fears that this decision to be interpreted by Moscow “as Germany entering the war”.

The chancellor says he wants to “keep Germany strong”. But this division in the socialist ranks has a striking derivative. The leader of the Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament is the Spaniard Iratxe Garciamember of the executive of the PSOE and voice of Pedro Sánchez in the Union. García was strongly questioned in this position, already in the last legislature, precisely by the German MEPs, but she managed to repeat it given that The SPD performed worse in Germany in 9-D than the PSOE in Spain.

In his speech before the subcommittee, Klimenkov rightly demanded respect for this vote of the plenary session of the European Chamber. That the Twenty-seven “lift your restrictions” to use the weapons delivered by the Twenty-Seven on Russian soil.

The resolution

Concretely, the resolution adopted on September 19 recalls that “Ukraine, as a victim of aggression, has an inherent right of self-defense” and that “the important thing, although still insufficient, military aid […] is designed allowing Ukraine to defend itself effectively”, does not serve to win at this stage of the confrontation, unless member states “immediately lift all restrictions on the use of weapons systems”.

In other words, Germany lifts its tacit veto against Ukraine which attacks “legitimate military objectives on Russian territory”. Otherwise, continues the text supported by the PSOE, it will be “which makes it difficult for Ukraine to fully exercise its right to self-defense”.

During this Thursday’s debate, the People’s Party MEP, Nicolas Pascual de la Partedemanded that the socialists “allow kyiv unrestricted use of the ceded military equipment and capabilities.” And he gave a very visual example: “there is no point in giving balls to a football team if You don’t let him cross the middle of the field to score goals against the opponent“.

The appeal to the attention of the popular MEP, former Spanish Ambassador to NATOfully coincided with the joint resolution approved by the European Parliament. Pascual de la Parte, who is also the EPP coordinator in the aforementioned subcommittee, said that “we will stand with the Ukrainian people and government in their heroic fight for their freedom, sovereignty and independencewhich is that of all Europeans.

The European Parliament’s text also expressly reiterated “the call on member states to respect their March 2023 commitment to hand over Ukraine.” one million complete units of ammunition and accelerate the supply of weapons, in particular modern air defense systems and other weapons and munitions, in response to clearly identified needs, including Taurus missiles“.

These missiles (whose name is the abbreviation of Unitary robotic ubiquity system and Target adaptive dispenser) only operate mainly in Germany, although they also have South Korea and Spain. The position of the Spanish socialists in any case contrasted with that of their minority partner in the coalition government, who voted against, as well as that of the rest of the MEPs from the PSOE partners, such as Irene Montero (we can) or Diane Riba (ERC).

Support for Ukraine “must be political and economic, but also military”, believes Pascual de la Parte. The Spanish People’s MEP, coordinator of the EPP within the subcommittee, insisted on the need for Member States to be consistent with the commitments acquiredbecause “our future and our security are decided on the battlefields of Ukraine. We must therefore rise to the challenge.”




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