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HomeLatest NewsThe PSOE's parallel democracy

The PSOE’s parallel democracy

There was a time, in the early 80s, when The PSOE seemed to adopt a European-style social democracy This isolated his Marxist follies, those that he dragged onto the Republican scene towards a Soviet totalitarianism of blood and violence, before the well-deserved vacation they took under the Franco regime. When the dictator who has been tormenting them every morning since 1975 saw himreturned to occupy the town halls, councils and autonomies with the regenerative force of a democratic tsunami that destroyed any attempt to consider politics as an instrument of vocation and honesty. We have always been more of a party than people And Felipe’s Spain clings to PSOE like the civil servant on his salary or the retired person on his pension: the Spain of progress begins by not touching the customs of the progressives, it was thought then, and here we continue.

What happened next is what we expected from those who represent the ideology with better marketing and the worst results in history. The strategy of those who lead the PSOE, advise the PSOE, work in the PSOE and live off the PSOE is to guarantee the survival of the brand.its existence forever and ever. They are not affected by any other condition and are dedicated to it, even if they need to change reality and build parallel universes of democracy and progress. The disconnection of the PSOE in recent years with the truth, as well as with the needs and interests of the citizens it represents, can only be explained by reading and understanding its history. The remembered Escohotado defined Sánchez as a phosphene (flashes of light that enter the eye when it folds with the eyelid) follower of this great illuminated curse called Zapaterothe real person responsible for saving hatred and the trenches in Spain from collective oblivion before preparing the landing of his dictator in the Caribbean.

So, whether you’re a left-wing voter or not, keep the following in mind: every time you are told on the left that the right does not accept democracywho legislates only for the rich and whose freedom and equality would be lost with his decision, suppose he projects his own intellectual miseries and sociological vices onto you. But they are theirs, their aspirations and desires, their desire that no one depicts the spiral of cynicism and lies in which they wrap their vote, as captive as their minds. The one who best understands the cognitive and critical deficiencies of a socialist voter is precisely the one who lives best of him: another socialist, only that one, in power. This is what has been happening for more than a century. This is why there are still those who defend this model, like the one on the left who projects a projection on what he despises. Not because they want to suffer the consequences of socialism (misery, exile and death), but because they aspire to power or for their friends to obtain it. Hence his obsession with controlling, manipulating, falsifying and rewriting education/history, closing down any social network capable of dismantling his trill argument and silencing any opposition that tells the truth about his crimes.

Every citizen must always aspire to their best civic and vital condition. And understand that if, even today, you continue to believe that the PSOE is the best remedy for your ills of poverty and boredom, you are moving away from socialism, as has been proven by economies around the world, whose prosperity increased as they moved away from paternalism, interventionist and liberticidal ideas imposed by the State and the government. The penultimate example is Argentina. Socialism, as you know in the PSOE, is not an alternative to capitalism.but to any system in which men can live as human beings, as Von Mises said. Long knightin his Comintern intelligence, agreed with Tocqueville when he said that democracy and socialism were opposing temples, but while the French thinker saw it and lived it after his return from the United States, the Spanish Lenin practiced it among the Czechs and the coups d’état. The PSOE is today closer to the latter than to what it decided to be one day after Suresnes. However, one cannot get out of a government and a power with Sánchez, Montero and Zapatero without tolls or mortgages. What we are currently experiencing is not democracy, not even parallel, it is something else that we still hope will be defined by a political scientist in the government, preferably from the PSOE.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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