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HomeLatest Newsthe psychological test backed by science

the psychological test backed by science

we can have doubts about our masculinity or why we behave in a certain way. Although there is a significant cultural part, biology and psychology explain the vast majority of our behaviors.

For example, have you ever wondered how masculine your personality is? Scientific studies conducted at renowned universities suggest that The length of your fingers can reveal more than you think.

It’s because there is a direct relationship between testosterone hormone levels to which the fetus is exposed and the length of the ring finger. The best way to know if it is proportionate to the rest is to compare it with the little finger.

There are psychological tests that talk about how your environment perceives you, but the following test will only give us data about our testosterone hormone levels and our masculinity.

Both men and women have testosterone in their bodies, but in different amounts. So, You can take this personality test regardless of your gender..

The masculinity test, according to the length of your fingers

The only thing you need to do to know if you are a scientifically masculine person is pay attention to the length of your little finger compared to your ring finger.

Use the mark on the last phalanx of the finger as a reference to see if the little finger is at the same height, higher or lower. Use the photograph as an example.

Chart to know your masculinity levels, according to the length of your fingers. Photo: Pinterest.

Depending on the position of your little finger in relation to your ring finger, we can know your testosterone level, which directly influences your behavior:

Middle ring finger

If your little finger is at the level of the mark of the last phalanx, your testosterone level is balanced. This balance suggests a ambivalent personality with traits related to both masculinity and femininity.

This is an advantage in social environments, as it makes it easier for you to adapt.

Longest little finger

If your pinky finger extends past the line of the last phalanx of your ring finger, your testosterone levels are lower than usual. This doesn’t make you any less of a man, but you will have noticed that you have rtraits of your character usually associated with femininity.

This is a characteristic of thoughtful and empathetic people. You are best at reaching consensus and avoiding arguments.

Shorter little finger

People whose little finger does not reach the last phalanx of the ring finger have higher than average testosterone levels.

This situation leads them to be more impulsive people, but they also have incredible mental strength and high self-confidence. They are therefore the ones designated to make decisions and lead groups.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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