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the radio reunion of two old friends

When they talk, they look each other in the eye. Javier Mateo has brown ones; Gloria Santoro, like aquamarine. They are the presenters of “De hoy, no Pasa”, the brand new program on Radio Castilla-La Mancha that starts today in the afternoons from Monday to Friday. It will be an hour of show, from seven to eight hours, but what sixty minutes. “We are the voices and faces” of a visible space, “but more people will be with us”, says Santoro.

And why do we have to hear it?Because the listener is going to have a good time. The last hour of the afternoon, Mateo says, almost requires a point of great friendship, to tell things with much more calm and nonchalance; to talk about very important topics and also those that are not, but that ultimately are part of our daily lives. “The best thing about the program – he continues without even taking a breath – is not the people who are going to do it or what we are going to tell, but the atmosphere it will have; the tone, which will try to make us end with a hint of a smile.

Gloria waits patiently to play her part while Javier continues: “Listen, learn, know what happened, have a little news with these other stories that are pending…” As an example, he cites the story of a virgin thrown from the top of a ravine in a village in Toledo, “a story that asks me for more information.”

“Who dares to do a magazine show at seven in the afternoon?”Santoro bursts in with energy, as he does with Ramón García in ‘En compagnie’, the successful television program of the public network. “My agenda is full of things when I wake up. But when the day ends, I think about others. And today, for example, it does not happen that tomorrow I have to prepare a damn cake for my daughter, because I do not have the means to go to Mercadona, where now people are more flirtatious than anything else,” he explains (sic). “Buy pineapple, buy pineapple,” recommends Mateo.

“We have a lot to give”

The chemistry between them goes back a long way. They have known each other since the first season of the radio, 23 years ago. Gloria blew the two ducklings; he, four more. Javier says that they became good friends from the first time they worked together. It was the second year, when Santoro was put on early in the morning and he in the morning, so the one from Socuéllamos arrived at three in the morning. “That first night, I didn’t know she would be there.”evokes this radio and news journalist, like a lover talking about his beloved.

Once the friendship had been formed, they gave themselves over to the microphone for a moment. And they continued in the same house, but without working together. Until this summer. The radio director, Oscar Garcia, saw in this good atmosphere a golden opportunity and gave them the chance to do something with each other.“Javier and I have a lot to give, but until now no one has offered it to us,” explains Hellín’s wife.

The offer is a day close and Gloria will try to convince the listener to continue the trend.If I’m having a bad day, I’ll tell you; But I’ll tell you how to cheer yourself up. For example, I have a concoction that the nutritionist told me gives me the energy to eventually make love. “What do you think?” he suggests unexpectedly.

She also says she’s ready for anything they can tell them on social media, “because they’re already doing it.” And he adds, looking you in the eye: “Until your first hateful (haters), you are not involved in the digital world.

The program starts this Monday

monks’ orchards

They do not plan how they will start the first program, because they may have to improvise due to the news of the day. “There will be sections, collaborators, discussions and interviews,” explains Gloria, “with moments of laughter” to concentrate everything in less than an hour. Short time? “Yeah”she replies, slipping the i. “We’re going to be stranded for several days,” he says.

In a photograph distributed for their promotion, the couple looks like “Rogues at Full Rhythm”, an iconic film that has become a sociological phenomenon. Gloria is content with the fact that the audience accompanies her and makes the listener want to do something different than a smile. “In company, on the radio, it’s a triumph,” says Javier, who will continue the 8 p.m. news session after finishing his program.

AND an idea to finish: One afternoon, they could recreate the great moment they played on a public television show a long time ago. Santoro danced with a salt shaker imitating Shakira while Mateo played Alejandro Sanz, but pretending badly that he was playing electric guitar. “And today, it doesn’t happen that I start learning,” Javier takes advantage of presenting the new radio offer.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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