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HomeBreaking NewsThe rain prevents its extraordinary procession

The rain prevents its extraordinary procession

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The rains of this Saturday, so necessary these days, have made the Brotherhood of Nueva Esperanza suspend the processional outing for its 25th anniversary of the blessing of the Nazarene of ForgivenessAfter almost an hour and a half of waiting, the elder sister of the Brotherhood, Pilar Durán, communicated the decision to the brothers who were waiting inside their Brotherhood House for the Council to make a decision.

THE The procession was scheduled to leave at 7:30 p.m.But Nueva Esperanza warned through its social networks that the Board of Directors had decided to delay the extraordinary departure until 8:00 p.m. At that time, everything was planned to begin forming the procession, but the departure was delayed again until 8:30 p.m., because it had started raining again.

The final decision was made at 8:50 p.m. The Brotherhood communicated the decision to suspend the extraordinary departure of Jesús Nazareno del Perdón. “On behalf of the Brotherhood, we appeal to the understanding of all brothers, devotees and faithful to accept this difficult decision, for the good of the artistic and human heritage of our Brotherhood“, they explain.

For her part, Pilar Durán, elder sister of the Brotherhood, when communicating the news, insisted that they made this decision for her brothers because “the most important thing is you, the human heritage.” Likewise, she indicated that they were having a good birthday and that “The Nazarene must shine everywhere and there too.”

the throne room It will remain open until midnight.




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