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The rankings of the great business schools continue to be decisive for students and companies

“Determinant”, ” important “, “decisive”… The adjectives follow one another and are similar when former students of preparatory courses at the main business schools are asked about the importance of rankings when choosing a center. However, although the classifications often determine the route taken by real road users, other factors can influence this route, such as the oral days (during which students discover the campuses), geographical proximity or the cost of the studies.

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These numerous rankings, often drawn up by press organisations, evaluate the quality of teaching, employability, international dimension and many other parameters. But, for the reader, the development of these classifications remains opaque.. “It is a total scam. The proof is that everyone differs »Judge Víctor (those mentioned whose names do not appear wished to remain anonymous), 22 years old, master’s student at the ESCP. “They are biasedestimates Audrey, 24 years old, former student of Audencia, Nantes business school. « The Sigem ranking [Système d’intégration aux grandes écoles de management] It is the simplest and most reliable »continue. Sigem takes into account a single criterion, the preference of students when they are admitted to two establishments.

It is an honor that an establishment is at the top of all national rankings: HEC Paris. The great school of Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines) is the holy grail for all students of the preparatory stage and leaves no room for competing schools. In 2024, the Sigem ranking points out that every time a student could choose between HEC and another establishment, he took the direction of the southwestern suburbs of Paris. This was also the case in 2023 and also in 2022…


“There is a hierarchy commonly accepted by studentsexplains Valentín, 20 years old, student at the National School of Statistics and Economic Administration and former high school student at business schools. In the lead, HEC, followed on the podium by Essec and ESCP. A little further away are Edhec and EM Lyon. Then comes a group of five establishments whose differences in attractiveness are less marked. Finally, a small group schools less recognized in the eyes of students.

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The latter are very attentive to the classifications. They know that companies also have their eyes glued to the charts. “If you don’t get into one of the best schools, Valentin continues, There are professions and companies that you cannot qualify for. For example, in consulting, it’s difficult to join McKinsey or the Boston Consulting Group if you don’t have a top 3 diploma, and it’s even harder with a diploma from a school outside the top 5. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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