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HomeLatest Newsthe real reason your dog wants to sleep with you

the real reason your dog wants to sleep with you

It is common for dogs to like to sleep next to their owners, which many people consider a token of affection or simply a question of comfort. However, science suggests that the reasons for this behavior run much deeper. In fact, there is evolutionary and emotional factors that make your dog want to sleep next to you every night.

Over the years, researchers have studied dogs and their connections with humansfinding that this habit has deep roots dating back to the dog’s ancestors, the wolves. In addition, the emotional bonds between dogs and humans also play a fundamental role. We will then discover the reasons why your dog wants to share the bed with you.

Why does the dog want to sleep with you?

Dogs are descended from wolves, animals that in the wild sleep in groups to stay safe and protect each other. Wolves, when resting in packs, benefit from body heat and mutual vigilance against predators. This ancestral instinct has survived in domestic dogs who, despite being in a safe environment, maintain this habit of sleeping next to their “pack mates”.

When your dog sleeps with you, he reproduces the behavior of their ancestors. It considers its owner to be the leader of the pack, which gives it a feeling of security and belonging. The dog not only seeks to be close to you for his physical comfort, but also because it helps him feel protected, the same way he would if he were in nature surrounded by the other members of his band.

emotional connection

Besides the hereditary instinct, the emotional relationship that dogs have developed with humans during their lives. thousands of years of domestication It also plays a fundamental role in this behavior. Dogs are social animals that constantly seek companionship and affection, and in the case of domestic dogs, their owners become their primary source of emotional support.

Various studies have shown that when dogs are close to their owners, their noxytocin levels increase. Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” is responsible for generating feelings of attachment and well-being. Dogs and humans feel this release of oxytocin when they spend time together, which strengthens the bond between them. Sleeping together then becomes a way to strengthen this emotional bond.


In addition to emotional and evolutionary factors, there is a simpler reason why your dog might want to sleep with you: physical comfort. Dogs, especially those of small breeds or those with little hair, are very sensitive to the cold. Sleeping close to his owner provides him with an additional source of warmth which allows him to feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Likewise, the human beds They are generally much more comfortable than dog beds. Soft padding and fluffy sheets are much more attractive to a dog than their own cushion or bed. Physical comfort therefore also plays an important role.


He protective instinct This is another important reason why your dog is looking to sleep with you. In the wild, animals that sleep alone are more vulnerable to predator attacks, while those that sleep in groups feel safer. This instinct continues in dogs who, even if they are not in danger at home, seek this feeling of security by sleeping near their master.

Sleeping together Not only does it keep your dog safe, but it also allows it to fulfill its guardian role. Many dogs feel responsible for protecting their owners, and by sleeping with you they are also on alert for any situations that may arise during the night.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sleeping with your dog can increase oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” which reduces stress and strengthens the emotional bond between the two of you. Additionally, having your dog nearby can provide a feeling of securitybecause their keen sense of hearing and smell allows them to detect possible noises or threats at night.

However, there are a number of drawbacks to consider, such as sleep interruptions if the dog is agitated and possible hygiene problems. To enjoy this experience safely, it is important to keep your dog clean and set clear boundaries to avoid any discomfort during the night.

In the end, the your dog’s desire to sleep with you It is deeply rooted in emotional and evolutionary factors. From their ancestors’ pack instincts to the release of oxytocin to the search for safety, there are many reasons why your dog chooses your bed to rest.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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