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HomeLatest NewsThe reason why Terelu Campos does not want Carlo Constancia for his...

The reason why Terelu Campos does not want Carlo Constancia for his daughter is revealed

The relationship between Terelu Campos and Carlo Costanziathe actor and partner of his daughter Alejandra Rubio, has been the subject of numerous research. Although the communicator expressed her joy at the arrival of her first grandchild, behind this facade of happiness lies a complex web of conflicts and disagreements that go far beyond what the headlines reveal. The story of disagreements between Terelu and Carlo has given rise to many rumors on the table.

The first big obstacle in this story is the bad relationship that Terelu Campos has with Mar Flores, Carlo’s mother. Even though they have been moving in the same social circles for years, the two women have never gotten along. In the world of showbiz, where appearances and relationships are everything, the friction between the two quickly became an open secret. This is a conflict with deep roots that transcends time. and now, with the union of his children, he is once again in the spotlight.

The tense past between Terelu and Mar Flores has significantly influenced the presenter’s perception of Carlo. From the beginning, Campos did not welcome his daughter’s relationship with the actor, much less the idea of ​​Alejandra becoming a mother so quickly, after less than a year of meeting. For the collaborator, Carlo’s arrival in Alejandra’s life represents the entry of an unwanted son-in-law and an uncomfortable connection with a family he would prefer not to have any ties with.

The brilliant career of Alejandra Rubio

Since Alejandra was little, Terelu Campos made clear his wishes for his daughter’s future: a high-level education and an exclusive social environment that would open the doors to the best opportunities for her. With this vision, he enrolled the young woman in Santa María de los Rosales Schoolan educational institution known for its prestige and for housing the most influential families in Spain. This is not just any school. This center, which has educated Spanish royalty, including King Felipe VI and his daughters, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofiarepresents much more than a place of study: it is a status symbol.

Alejandra Rubio, in Madrid. (Photo. Gtres)

Alejandra Rubio coincided with the monarch’s daughters during her early years and other members of the Spanish aristocracy, an opportunity that Terelu hoped would forever define her daughter’s environment and relationships. However, Alejandra never fully integrated into this circle of prominent friends, which disappointed her mother. Terelu has always been extremely selective with Alejandra’s companies and his goal was for his daughter to be part of the elite from a young age.

Colegio Santa María de los Rosales is not only a luxury school, but an institution inaccessible to many. With an annual enrollment of approximately 7,000 euros And without including extracurricular activities, the education at this center goes far beyond academic training. The facilities have multiple amenities, including gymnasiums, soccer fields, running tracks, and even a golf driving range. Security is extreme, especially since the arrival of Princess Leonor, with escorts and guards constantly monitoring the premises. Everything is designed so that students, children of the most influential familiesare raised in a protected and privileged environment.

Is Terelu Campos disappointed with Alejandra Rubio?

Terelu Campos invested a fortune so that Alejandra would grow up in this environmentnot only for the academic training, but also for the connections it could establish. However, these plans did not come true as Terelu had imagined. Despite the efforts of the presenter, Alejandra did not maintain close relationships with the children of the aristocracy or with the friends of King Felipe VI.something that has always been a point of frustration for his mother.

Over the years Campos criticized his daughter’s partnerssince none of them seemed to live up to the expectations I had for Alejandra. Her desire to see her daughter surrounded by influential people of high socio-economic status constantly clashed with the reality of the time.Alejandra’s Love Choiceswho have always been far from this elitist profile.

With Carlo Costanzia, history repeats itself. The presenter distrusts the young actor because of his family ties to Mar Flores and considers him not good company. Despite his mother’s disapproval, Alejandra Rubio has decided to move forward in her relationship with Carlo and the news of her pregnancy only cemented their union.

Although they try to hideThe reality is that Terelu Campos still does not accept Carlo and his relationship withat Mar Flores remains a difficult obstacle to overcome. She had to adjust her expectations and accept that Alejandra would follow her own path, even if it was not the one she had carefully planned since her daughter was little. The story of Terelu, Alejandra and Carlo is on everyone’s lips. The program “No way we were” He has brought to light everything that lies behind. The truth has no limits and has already reached a supreme degree.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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