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The recent resignations in Palos de la Frontera and Aljaraque bring to 21 the number of changes in Andalusia’s town halls in less than a year and a half.

The Andalusian community recorded eight changes of mayors in the last quarter, bringing the total number of changes of mayors to 21. since the last municipal electionsheld on May 28, 2023. Of these modifications, ten occurred due to motions of censure and eleven due to resignations, among which are the municipalities of Huelva de Aljaraque, Lépê And Palos de la Frontera. According to data compiled by Europa Press, no changes were noted due to the alternations agreed according to the so-called two plus two formula.

The province of Huelva recorded this week four resignations in the mayor’s offices, one of the latest being that announced by the president of the Provincial Deputation of Huelva, David Toscano (PP), who presented his resignation to the mayor of Aljaraque, last Friday, because “it is impossible to be one hundred percent in my city, as the neighbors would like” and, “at the same time, to be in the Council provincial. That same day, the mayor of Palos de la Frontera and senator of the PP of Huelva, Carmelo Romeroalso resigned from the town hall of his commune to concentrate on other “key” institutions such as the Congresshe Senate and the Provincial Delegation of Huelva.

Likewise, in Lépêthe mayor, Juan Manuel Gonzalez (PP), announced last Thursday his decision to leave office after eleven years as mayor and two others as councilor, to devote himself “fully” to his responsibilities as senator in the face of “the increase in activity” and the ” “impossibility” of combining the two positions. Thus, even if it will be necessary to wait for the vote in plenary, it is planned that the deputy mayor delegate of the Presidency will take office, Adolfo Summer.

Likewise, the mayor of La Palma del Condado, Manuel Garcia Felix (PP), revealed last Monday that he was leaving the Town Hall to “concentrate” on his work at the Congress of Deputies, in his speech on the occasion of the celebration of the rite of the Birth of Wine of 63 County Harvest Festival. Also this week, more precisely on Tuesday, the first mayor of the municipality of Malaga, Casabermeja, Antonio Artacho Fernández (IU), gave effect to his resignation from his post “for health reasons” during the plenary session of the Consistory.

A summer of changes

At the beginning of the summer, the current mayor of Encinasola (Huelva), Maria Dolores Benjuméa (PP), took office as first mayor, after the resignation of Ángel Méndez (IU) for personal reasons, on June 28. Thus, it is worth remembering that the PP and the IU reached an agreement according to which Méndez (IU) would be mayor during the first two years of the legislature and, subsequently, Benjumea would assume this position for the rest of the term, however , due to Given the circumstances, the transition within the town hall has been brought forward. That same day, in the city of Malaga Perianathe first mayor, Meritxell Vizueteobtained the mandate after the sudden death of councilor Rafael Torrubia from a heart attack on June 17.

In the Granada municipality of Lacharthe advisor, Elizabeth Barnes (IU), overthrew the former mayor of the municipality Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) after the success of a motion of censure on June 25, which was adopted with the votes of the left coalition and the PP, after the two groups requested explanations from Sánchez, on the content of the telephone tapping recorded in municipal facilities which he denounced as “illegal”.

In the Sevillian town of Arahal There was also a change within the City Hall, after the success of the motion of censure promoted by expelled PSOE councilors and PP councilors against Mayor Ana María Barrios (IU), who governed in a minority. Francisco Brenesthe spokesperson for the PSOE until now, took over command in the municipality.

Likewise, in The Ronquillo (Seville), the new mayor, Ana Cristina Arévalo (PSOE), the first woman to hold this position, obtained the mandate after the motion of censure recorded by its municipal group for the dismissal of the former councilor, Cipriano Huertas, was won on April 24, with the vote in favor of seven advisors. and only one against.

In the Granada municipality of Maracenathe socialist Carlos Porcel overthrew the former mayor of the municipality Julio Álvarez (PP) after a motion presented on April 16 and approved with twelve votes. The “populars” managed to wrest the town hall from the PSOE, which had led the municipality since 2007, thanks to a quadripartite agreement between this formation, Vox and two local parties: Quiero and MC, following the results of the May 2023 elections.

Moreover, in this province, the mayor of The King’s Sands, Pedro Almenarabecame the first mayor of Vox in the province after the motion of censure in which he had the support of the PP and with which he ousted the PSOE from the municipal council.

Likewise, in the city of Granada The pine forestthe “popular” Mercedes Moreno assumed the position of mayor, succeeding Francisco Titos, who resigned for health reasons. In April, the Court of First Instance and Instruction Number 1 of Órgiva prosecuted Titos for alleged crimes of sexual harassment and sexual assault following a complaint filed by a councilor of the same party in November of l ‘last year. As a precautionary measure, the judge ordered an approach and communication ban.

Almeria and Malaga

In the province of Almería, the PP councilor of Cobdar, Raúl Graneroassumed the position of mayor of this municipality during a plenary session. Granero’s appointment took place after the resignation of José Fuentes as mayor. Likewise, in Turillas (Almería) the “popular” councilor was appointed Antonio Jesus Segura as new mayor after the resignation last March “for personal reasons” of his predecessor, Juan Antonio Segura. The agreement for this change envisaged the integration into the government team of the PP, made up of four councilors, the three from the opposition who make up the Almería Avaza group.

Also, in the city of Almeria Carboneras The motion of censure was recorded which was filed at the head of the Town Hall Salvador Hernandez (Cs), after overthrowing the former “popular” mayor Felipe Cayuelas. Concretely, Hernández, the only Cs councilor of the local Carboneras Corporation, was invested within the framework of the agreement reached with the PSOE to alternate the presidency of the Municipal Council, which should be assumed by the former socialist mayor, José Luis Amérigo , during the mandate. the last tranche of the municipal term in August 2025.

In the municipality of Turre (Almería), the “popular” councilor Arthur Grima He took over after the success of the motion presented by the four members of his municipal group and the two of Con Andalucía (IU-Turre con Andalucía) to expel the socialist María Isabel López. Still in Almería, the “popular” mayor of Chercos, Jose Antonio Torresrecovered the mandate of the city at the age of 98, after the motion of censure promoted with Vox and the independents to take power from the former mayor Eduardo Mena (PSOE), positioning himself once again as the most former mayor of Spain.

In Malaga, the former socialist mayor of MijasJosele González, was expelled from the mayor’s office after the motion promoted by the PP with Vox and councilor Juan Carlos Maldonado progressed, thus passing the mandate into the hands of the popular party. Ana Mata.

In the province of Malaga there is also the resignation of the mayor of Albaida canillaswho passed the baton of command after his election as president of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Costa del Sol-Axarquía, thus placing the leadership of the Consistory to the “popular” councilor Incarnación Pareja García. Likewise, the socialist Auxi Gamez was proclaimed new mayor of the municipality of Malaga humiliation after the success of the motion of censure promoted by the PSOE and the IU which expelled the “popular” Miguel Ángel Pérez from the town hall.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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