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The rector of UCO tells the Council that “the public university must be taken care of by its governors”

The Juan XXIII Assembly Hall of the Rabanales University Campus hosted this morning the solemn ceremony of opening of the 2024-25 academic year at the University of Cordoba. The event began with the inauguration of 74 new doctors which was followed by the reading of the report for the 2023-2024 academic year. The inaugural lesson was given by Rosario Mérida Serrano, who spoke on “Educating Children to Transform the World.”

In his speech, the rector of the UCO, Manuel Torralbo Rodríguez, congratulated the new doctors, reminding them that “there can be no limits to knowledge at the University”. “Today, universities are once again uncomfortable denouncing from the scientific basis, since there is no other way to articulate the discourse than through research and its results, the threats that appear in certain political discourses on their autonomy and their freedom of knowledge. In a world that is settling the lie and the invented story, “It’s not comfortable that data kills the story.” Thus, Torralbo indicated that “democracy needs certainty and knowledge to clarify the unknowns.”

University and territories

The financing of the Andalusian public university system was also commented on by the rector. Torralbo affirmed that this financing must receive the same attention as any other system in Spain. “Andalusia does not want to be more than others, but it does not want to be less either. That’s why we need it to be reality investment of 1 percent of GDP in R&D&i“.

In this sense, he expressed his alignment with the Junta de Andalucía in its request for a fair model for all territories, since he asked the Andalusian government which “respects the 2024-27 financing model”“, approved by consensus almost a year ago, and for which “there are still 25 million euros remaining to achieve the inexcusable objective of the safeguard clause”. In this sense, as we approach the half of the model, it is predicted that in 2025 “we will begin the year with certainty of the credit we will have”.

Private universities

In this order of things, Torralbo claimed a Extraordinary infrastructure plan whether it is “strong economic support to undertake improvements and be worthy of what we are: the strongest public university system in Spain”.

The shadow of private universities and the complaints of Andalusian rectors regarding the arrival of some in Andalusia hung over the speeches. “Andalusian public universities will continue to work with the ministry to demonstrate to the Andalusian government that support for our institutions is important. a real and reliable investment for the development and prosperity of our territories. And there is no prosperity without equal opportunity. This is why we must remember, once again, that public universities are committed to the values ​​of all, and private universities to those of a few.

The head of the UCO declared that “it is essential to demand a closed defense of public universitybecause it is the only one capable of serving everyone without forgetting anyone. The public university must be supported by its leaders, because whoever governs must be committed to promoting the universal values ​​that the public university embodies.

Achievements and challenges

The rector indicated, as achievements of the last academic year, the new List of Jobs, agreed with the union representatives; obtain almost seven million euros in funding for RDI projects, making UCO the Andalusian university that has received the most funding per project; or the opening of Territorial Development Centers in the province of Córdoba, among others. Likewise, he announced the calling of senatorial elections to draft the future statutes.

As challenges for the next course, Torralbo highlighted the urbanization and the packaging of Rabanales Campusstreamline the resolution processes for the different modalities of called positions, in particular those of assistant physician, and improve the hiring processes in order to respond to improvements in infrastructure interventions.

The advisor’s words

The Minister of University, Research and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, stressed that the future Law for the Progress of Science, Technology and Innovation in Andalusia (Active) This will put the community at the forefront of R&D and talent acquisition.

Gómez Villamandos highlighted that this standard has received more than 300 contributions from universities, unions, social councils, R&D centers of excellence or business organizations, which are being analyzed to incorporate those that are relevant, with the aim of “that the final text be as consensual as possible,” he added.

On the other hand, the director of the University wanted to emphasize that the UCO has this year “historic” funding which reaches 148 million to cover its operation, its academic, research and innovation activity and the transfer of knowledge.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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