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The “red line” on the agenda in Iran: Passions have been rekindled over the Zangezur corridor

Passions over the Zangezur Corridor have been rekindled in Iran and the discourse on the “red line” has resurfaced.

This time, in addition to Azerbaijan, the target is Russia, or rather, more Russia. The anti-Russian campaign, which began in the media, continues with the statements of officials. Just yesterday, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi wrote about this on his “X” page:

“Peace, security and stability in the region is not just a priority, it is one of the pillars of our national security. Any threat to the territorial integrity of our neighbors or the redrawing of borders, regardless of whether it occurs in the north, south, east or west, is completely unacceptable and is Iran’s red line.”

Although Araghchi did not mention Russia by name, the Iranian press interpreted this statement as a reaction to Russia’s latest position regarding the Zangezur Corridor.

Iranian Advisory Council member, former SEPAH commander-in-chief Mohsen Rezayi, spoke more openly, saying:

“The behavior of Russian statesmen regarding the Zangazur corridor and the three islands belonging to Iran cannot be accepted at all and is in clear contradiction with the declarations of friendship and strategic relations with Iran.”

A well-known Iranian politician, former deputy speaker of the country’s parliament, Ali Mutharri, called on the Iranian government to be careful in this matter and wrote:

“The 14th government should be sensitive to the construction of the Zangezur corridor in Armenia, which was recently supported by Russia. Russia has never thought about Iran’s interests, especially at the current moment when it is involved in the Ukraine issue. This corridor will close Iran’s path to Europe through Armenia.”

It should be noted that this campaign against the Zangezur corridor in Iran intensified after the official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan on August 18, the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that Armenia was sabotaging the opening of communications in the region, as well as Russia’s statement by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on this issue, after her comments for days, made her hysterical.

More about the plot of the YouTube channel “Azad Iran”:

The “red line” on the agenda in Iran: Passions have been rekindled over the Zangezur corridor

The “red line” on the agenda in Iran: Passions have been rekindled over the Zangezur corridor


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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