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The Regional Executive of the PSOE Aragon expresses its rejection of the fiscal agreement between the ERC and the PSC

The regional executive of The PSOE Aragón has agreed to reject the tax agreement reached between Esquerra Republicana and the PSC as well as its support for the PNL presented by the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Cortes on the same question. After more than three hours of debate and without any other alternative proposal, it was voted unanimously by the 29 members present.

From Aragon, the Secretary of Organization, Darío Villagrasa, said that the PSOE defends a autonomous financing system in which the real cost of services is reflected, without privileges of any kind“It is not the same to pay a teacher or a doctor in a big city than in a rural area. It is not the same in an autonomous community like Aragon, with 731 municipalities and a territorial dispersion in 1,500 urban centers, as it is in other larger municipalities like Valencia, Catalonia, Madrid or the entire coast,” explained Villagrasa.

Regarding the political situation in Spain, Villagrasa referred to the degree of tension that exists and therefore indicated that The Spanish government “needs the support of the socialists of Aragon”He also wanted to recall that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez increased pensions and the Interprofessional Minimum Wage.

This is how Villagrasa expressed himself, a few minutes before starting the meeting of the Regional Executive Commission of the PSOE Aragon, chaired by the secretary general, Javier Lambán, and with which beginning of a new political course in which “we will continue to defend the socialist alternative” against the failing and disappointing government of Jorge Azcón,” he stressed.

The socialists criticized the regional president’s management model and cited as an example the recent news about the possible closure of Becton Dickinson in Zaragoza and the cancellation of 206 million in investments. “Azcón tried to impose himself as the champion of economic investment in our community when Many projects have already been developed and promoted. Many have a socialist stamp.“This is the legacy received from the PP,” Villagrasa assured.

The secretary of the PSOE Aragon wanted to clarify that “we will continue to defend the socialist alternative against the failed and disappointing government of Jorge Azcón.”




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