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“The relationship between Marlaska and Ábalos was continuous”

The secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, attacked the ministries during his appearance before the media in Logroño, saying that “who was a deputy and Minister of Development between 2018 and 2021, José Luis Ábalos, is at the center of the controversy related to corruption affecting several ministries in Spain, including the Ministry of the Interior“.

“[Ábalos] It is solely and exclusively to cover up all the corruption that [en realidad] reached all ministries in Spainnot only Ábalos. “The relationship between [el ministro de Interior Fernando] Big-Marlaska And abalones was continuous and they articulated responses to the situations that arose.

“It is therefore essential that the two ministers clarify your role in this matter and the link between their actions”, this is how the secretary general of the PP spoke to the media about the corruption surrounding the PSOE because of the “Koldo case”.

Cuca Gamarra also said that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “is cornered by corruptionwhich involves not only Ábalos and three other people, but also surrounds his party And your closest environment“.

“This situation is not limited to the Ministry of Development, but This also affects the Ministry of the Interior. Corruption has been growing since the Abalos era, and for this reason, Yesterday a senior official was fired [Óscar] Bridge“Gamarra claimed that there had been a cessation of Angel Contreras as president of Adif and Adif Alta Calidad by the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, due to the railway chaos and after the audit of the “Koldo case”.

“The PSOE was aware from the beginning and That’s why he made the decision to end it.“, the general secretary of the PP attacked the dismissal of Contreras, who it had only been nine months at the office.

“This problem impacts the entire structure of public works which was managed. They were arrested, I don’t know if they caught him or not.” And he reiterated: “It is not limited to Mr. Ábalos, they are only trying to protect themselves by firing senior officials from their ministries.”

“It’s a zombie government”

At the press conference, Gamarra assured that “Spain does not have a government that governs, has a zombie government who only cares about surviving.

The former spokesman of the Congress and current secretary general of the PP continued to affirm that “Pedro Sánchez wants Parliament to be left out but he will not do it, he will continue to mark the leadership”, referring to the fact that, last Wednesday, September 11, Sánchez declared that had the right not to abandon his roadmapwhile the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, influenced the gap that was growing within the Executive by losing the majority in Parliament.

“Viacrucis for Sanchez”

Gamarra continued to appear before the Logroño media stating that “from now on Every week will be a way of the cross for Pedro Sánchez“because it does not have a majority that supports it”, since last Wednesday, the PSOE suffered two more defeats in the plenary session of Congress and has now accumulated 34 in total since Sánchez’s inauguration last November.

“He got the nomination in exchange for going against equality of all Spaniards, and that is what will make them continue to accumulate losses,” Gamarra said.

In conclusion, Pedro Sánchez said that “is in a forward flight and in constant buying and selling of media to survive.”

Migration pact

“In the total absence of state policies, it was Feijóo who set the agenda, and it was also he who reached an agreement last Monday in the Canary Islands on a migration policy that affects both Spain and Europe,” Gamarra told the television news on the migration issue at the press conference in Logroño.

Gamarra disgraced Sánchez because, while the PP is leading the immigration proposals, “he simply looks the other way.” And he continued: “His approach to immigration policy is not appropriate; does not seek regulated migrationbut uses the immigration issue to get support which allow it to survive politically.”

“In this context,” he continued, “we are talking about how to break the internal politics of the State and, for this reason, of Spain. needs a state pact like the one imagined by Feijóo in the Canary Islands last Monday.”

“In the absence of government, The Spanish have hope: because even if the current government does not support them, The People’s Party does itbecause they are committed to meeting the needs of citizens.

“For this reason,” Gamarra said, “we presented this week an agreement to face the migration crisis, fight against irregular migration and establish a European alliance that will be led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. With this agreement, we seek that Europe puts an end to irregular migration, which Sanchez does not do, but Feijoo“, Gamarra said.

“Abandonment” of the railway network

The PP Secretary General took advantage of his appearance before the media to denounce the situation of the Spanish transport network after this week’s breakdowns: “The public rail network has shown a notable abandonment over the last six years” because “the suburban service or the AVE have not been improved.”

“Instead of focusing on improving public transportation, they focused on take advantage of public works tenders“As a result of this situation,” Gamarra said, “the Spanish are paying for their mistakes. [los del ministro de Transportes, Óscar Puente]”.

“The crisis we are currently going through is the result of the lack of interest in an adequate transport policywhich was replaced by corruption and the illicit search for public resources. This railway chaos directly affects the Spanish population,” said the secretary general of the PP.

Finally, he said that next Tuesday, “the Minister of Transport [Óscar Puente] Accountability will have to be rendered and assume not only criminal responsibilities, but also political responsibilities.




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