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The response of the owner of a Malaga café to her employee’s surprising request: “This question is not necessary.”

It is well known that the hospitality sector is one of the most sacrificed in the labor market. In addition, compliance with optimal working conditions is not guaranteed in all cases, which causes rejection by a large part of society. Despite this, it is also possible to find cases in which the welfare of workers is sought.

This is the case of Estefanía Olmo, owner of the Kiwita Vibes cafeteria, in the Huelin neighborhood of Malaga. This businesswoman from the hotel sector went viral after sharing a moving anecdote with one of her employees, a waitress who made an unexpected request.

The waitress’s request and the unexpected response

It all starts when one of the waitresses from the cafeteria goes to Olmo to ask him for something out of the ordinary. Her boyfriend had to leave for Mexico and she didn’t know when she would be able to see him again.. So this waitress talked to her boss about being able to go to the airport and say goodbye to her partner. “I know it’s very complicated, because there are three of us and it’s the morning They hit us right up to the palace“, admitted the young waitress.

The cafeteria owner, far from expressing her displeasure or demanding that the employee respect her schedule, responded with a categorical sentence: “This question is useless”. Furthermore, Olmo stressed that “We are people before we are servers”. In this sense, the Malaga businesswoman not only allowed her employee to go to the airport, but encouraged her to enjoy the moment. “Long live love!” he exclaims.

An additional message: the importance of taking care of employees

With these words, Olmo not only gave permission to his employee, but also made it clear how important the well-being of his workers is. Thus, the owner of the Malaga café took advantage of the video to reflect on it. “A business doesn’t work if you’re not happy,” says the businesswoman from the hotel sector.. According to her, this approach benefits the employee and, by extension, translates into the success and sustainability of the company.

Furthermore, Olmo believes that “You have to learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes”. In this case, the owner of this Malaga café is proud to have granted permission to this waitress: “My colleague went to say goodbye to her boyfriend crying like a cupcake, am I not going to give him permission? Of course I will! “That’s what he does here every day.”

Olmo also takes advantage of the social media presence to give advice to his colleagues and other managers and bosses: “Pull yourself together and start treating people like people”. Strong and direct words that this businesswoman from the Malaga hotel industry completes by affirming that success and triumph in business come when “you treat the people you work with as equals and the same thing that enters theirs enters your heart.”

“Take care of your employees and your employees will take care of you and your customers”concludes Olmo in his argument in favour of guaranteeing decent working conditions in the hotel sector.

Reactions on social networks

The story spread like wildfire on TikTok. In a matter of hours, the video had exceeded thousands of views and many followers saw themselves reflected in it. At a time when work-life balance is increasingly valued in choosing a job, the story of this Malaga café reminds us that, sometimes, A simple gesture of understanding can have a profound impact on people’s lives..

“We need more people like you,” replied one viewer of the video, while others thanked Olmo for his gesture towards his employee. “If a worker is happy, he performs much better,” acknowledged another comment. Another follower indicated that “This is how all bosses should be” and reminded that “we are people first and foremost.”

The story of the young waitress who asked to take a temporary leave of absence from work to go to the airport and say goodbye to her boyfriend, who she didn’t know when she would see again, and the empathetic boss who understood his employee did not go unnoticed on social media. It is a striking example of how a supportive work environment can help a company achieve good results. A gesture of humanity that can encourage others to follow the example.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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