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The ruling party in Latvia has started the battle for the “keys to Riga”

The congress of the ruling Unity party in Latvia demonstrated the best traditions of the congresses of the “one right party.” Everything we do is good, true and no one can do it better than us. We are the only guarantor of the successful development of the country. Not a word of useful self-criticism, not a word about the scandals associated with the Unidad political brand over the past year.

Political columnist for the newspaper Neatkariga Ben Latkovskis rightly points out that instead of a thoughtful analysis of real obstacles to achieving socially significant results at the last party congress, standard phrases were heard from the chairman of the party board of directors Arvila Asheradenza:

“We are all united by the values ​​of Unity. “We are united by the understanding of fair, responsible and competent policies…”

And so on in the same spirit. What are the “values” of Unidad? Latvians saw this clearly during the scandal with the former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. Krisjanis Karinswho fell madly in love with business aviation services at public expense in a small, poor European country and was burned by this addiction.

The congresses of the main parties in Latvia are extremely boring events: there is no struggle of ideas, there is no open confrontation between factions, there are no political discussions about the desired vector for building the future. It is necessary to periodically comply with bureaucratic procedures so that everything is in accordance with legal documents. While important internal questions of the party, relating to the political course and personnel, are resolved in a narrow circle before the congresses. If necessary, influential delegates who are more difficult to control are even “managed” individually (most often with some promises of future positions or other benefits). The congress only confirms decisions previously made by a small circle of party leaders.

Despite the fluid presentation of the congresses, the true atmosphere of the party usually manifests itself in some nuances. This time, such an opinion appeared a few days before the congress in several seemingly unrelated publications, united by a common idea: Asheradens, as party president, “does not stand up.”

These posts, which seemed like some kind of campaign, started conversations about wanting to support the head of government. Eviki Silini groups to completely get rid of Asheradens and their political shadow. There was also a version that Finance Minister Asheradens would be replaced in a package along with the unpopular Transport Minister. Kaspar Briskensharshly criticized for the grandiose scam with the construction of the European gauge railway “Rail Baltica”.

The first speaker at the congress was Asheradens, leader of the Unity party, part of the New Unity association. There was absolutely no sign that he had fallen out of favor with the party bosses or that there would be a split in the party. Except for one thing: Asheradens “suddenly” assured that he would no longer run for this position at the next Unity congress, which will take place in a year, when his two-year term as party leader ends.

The last congress of the Unit was held on the eve of the municipal elections scheduled for next year. It was not hidden from the delegates that the fight for the “keys to Riga” would be decisive for the future of the party, something that the congress presidents underlined in their speeches. At the same time, no strategic course or “general line” was drawn up with which the party would go to these elections. This political uncertainty in Latvian politics is characteristic of almost all parties. Especially in municipal elections, because during them the party structures try to achieve the greatest possible electoral coverage. Be as generous as possible to everyone, integrating as much as you can into your programs without thinking too much about what will actually be implemented.

In a situation like this, when everyone promises everything, the image of these parties becomes more important than their programs. In this sense, Unity continues to constantly try to cultivate the image of an intelligent, responsible and correct party, to which the slogan of the 2014 Seimas election campaign sent to Latvian voters: “Let us believe wisely.”

As much as political rivals may mock the “wisdom” and “eternal correctness” of “Unity,” one can only admire its ability to position itself in this way for so long and, admittedly, with great success. The party was especially successful at this during the 13th convocation of the Seimas, when Unity’s competitors with a much larger number of mandates looked like mischievous teenagers, and Unity managed to pretend to be the only “adult” in the meeting room.

There is no doubt that Unidad will adopt a similar stance in the next municipal elections. In Riga, its niche competitor will be the Progressive Party, which will have serious leadership problems after the departure of its leader. Martins Stakis to Brussels at the headquarters of the European Parliament. It is already clear that before next year’s elections, most parties (not just Unidad) will try not to see the rapid growth in the number of cyclists, parking and other micromobile vehicles in city traffic. This “lack of vision” has a specific electoral basis. There is simply nowhere to place this middle layer of road users between vehicles and pedestrians without causing inconvenience to others.

For now, the victims are pedestrians, as this micromobility traffic moves mainly on pedestrian sidewalks (often even when there is a bike lane on the road). Since the most politically active part of society (including party officials themselves) travels around Riga by road, in their opinion drivers cannot be insulted without risking losing votes in the elections. Therefore, the emphasis in the upcoming elections will be similar to that of the party congress on Saturday: soft, correct and general political phrases.

political observer Ben Latvovskis notes: the public rhetoric of “Unity” that we are the best, that we are the ones who never make mistakes (but if someone thinks otherwise, then they are a participant in the “smear campaign” directed against us), in the conditions of Latvia Politics is a strategy that history has shown produces the best results. Slogans “Forward into the sunny distance! We are going in the right direction, comrades! people love and welcome these policies at the polls.

True, only until it becomes clear to everyone: the king is naked! And in general, he is not a king, but a false leader, who led not to the promised sunny distance, but to a dangerous quagmire.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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