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HomeLatest NewsThe second period is open for booking Imserso 2024 trips

The second period is open for booking Imserso 2024 trips

Last Monday, September 23, the holiday booking season began for a large number of retirees. Thus, the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030 began a new season of the Imserso social tourism program. In this new edition, travelers from all over Spain will be able to enjoy some of the most interesting coastal, inland and island destinations in the country. This year, Imserso offers the same places as last season: 886,269, of which 50.08% (443,887 places) are intended for tourism on the peninsular coast; 25.96% (230,039) are allocated to coastal island tourism and 23.96% (212,343) are reserved for getaway tourism.

On August 28, accredited persons began to receive confirmation letters through which it is possible to book their trips for the Tourist Program. They indicate the exact day on which you can make your reservations. Inside the letter there is a personal code, which allows you to make reservations via the Internet, on the Social Tourism website or through agencies accredited for this purpose.

In case of using an authorized third party, it is necessary to book with the National Identity Document (DNI). And if you have not received the authorization letter, you can call the toll-free number +34 912 667 713, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and indicate this circumstance. In this case, you will be asked to have on hand a copy of the application file that you have submitted.

Rates for the Imserso 2024-2025 season

Imserso has published the prices for the season that began this Monday and which are divided by categories and destinations:

  • Peninsular coastal area: Andalusia, Catalonia, Murcia and C. Valenciana with transport: from €228.93 (8 days, 7 nights) to €290.07 (10 days, 9 nights)
  • Peninsular coastal area: Andalusia, Catalonia, Murcia and Valencia without transport: from €210.72 (8 days, 7 nights) to €253.65 (10 days, 9 nights)
  • Island Coastal Area: Balearic Islands with transport: from €267.63 (8 days, 7 nights) to €331.49 (10 days, 9 nights)
  • Island Coastal Area: Balearic Islands without transport: from €210.47 (8 days, 7 nights) to €253.77 (10 days, 9 nights)
  • Island Coastal Area: Canary Islands with transport: from €355.30 (8 days, 7 nights) to €435.95 (10 days, 9 nights)
  • Island Coastal Area: Canary Islands with transport: from €210.39 (8 days, 7 nights) to €253.65 (10 days, 9 nights)

For trips in the Tourism Escapade category, you have four options:

  • Cultural tours 6 days (5 nights): €293.16
  • Nature tourism 5 days (4 nights): €286.82
  • Provincial capitals 4 days (3 nights): €124.68
  • Ceuta or Melilla 5 days (4 nights): €286.82

All trips include full board except for those whose destination is the provincial capitals and it is specified that it is half board. In the case of Christmas and New Year shifts, Imserso will offer a special menu that, if accepted by the user, includes a supplement of € 20 per person for each meal or gala dinner (gala dinners: December 24 and 31. Gala meals: December 25 and January 1). Here you can check all the prices.

Communities where you can make first reservations

This Wednesday, September 25, the second preferential period for booking trips to the rest of the communities of origin opens, namely: Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Galicia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, La Rioja, Navarra, Basque Country. and in the autonomous city of Ceuta. Thus, those with preferential accreditation are those who, in the ranking of applications, according to the criteria established in the program regulation and call resolution order, have obtained the highest scores and can access the booking of a trip from the first day of marketing in each area. The others, with non-preferential accreditation, will be able to start booking from September 24.

Similarly, all those interested in non-preferential accreditation will be able to book in these destinations one day later, on Thursday, September 26. Starting Saturday, September 28, all unfilled places will be accessible to all candidates, regardless of their community of origin.

On the other hand, last Monday, September 23, the possibility of booking in the following autonomous communities of origin was already activated for those who had preferential accreditation – on Tuesday 24 for those who did not have this accreditation – Andalusia, Aragon, Cantabria, Castile and León. , Valencian Community, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia and the autonomous city of Melilla.

Conditions for accessing the Imserso Tourism Program

There are a series of conditions to access the Imserso tourism program. If you meet them, remember that in 2024, the deadline for submitting applications ended on July 22. When next year’s submission period opens – probably in November and will remain open until May 2025 – the easiest way will be to submit a telematic application through the Imserso electronic headquarters:

Persons residing in Spain who meet one of the following conditions:

  • Being retired from the Spanish social security system
  • Be a widow’s pensioner aged 55 or over from the Spanish social security system
  • Be retired under other concepts of the Spanish social security system or beneficiary of unemployment benefits or subsidies, aged 60 or over
  • Be insured or a beneficiary of the Spanish social security system, aged 75 or over

Spaniards residing abroad provided they meet one of these conditions: being residents in Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland. They can process it with the corresponding labor, immigration and social security services.

Spaniards of immigrant origin who have returned to Spain, provided that they are retired from the public social security systems of the country or countries to which they emigrated.

Users may be accompanied by their spouse or, where applicable, a de facto partner or a person with whom a stable and cohabiting union is established with an emotional relationship similar to that of marriage, without it being necessary for them to meet the age or pension requirements.

Likewise, they may be accompanied by their disabled sons or daughters, to a degree equal to or greater than 45 percent, provided that they travel with their parents and stay in the same room or, where appropriate, pay the supplement established for double rooms for single use that will be subject to availability of places. In any case, users of the seat and their companions must take care of themselves to carry out basic activities of daily life.

If you do not meet the requirements, remember that most travel agencies offer packages for seniors, with which you can find offers to organize your vacation at a lower cost.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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