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HomeBreaking NewsThe secretary of Koldo and Ábalos allowed Miss Venezuela and the Chavista...

The secretary of Koldo and Ábalos allowed Miss Venezuela and the Chavista jet set to travel to Madrid during the pandemic

Koldo García and José Luis Ábalos’ personal secretary facilitated safe passage to jet set of chavismoincluding businessmen close to the regime and a Miss Venezuela, so that they could enter Spain and circulate freely during the state of alarm, which imposed restrictions on mobility. The certificates, issued directly by the Ministry of Transport between 2020 and 2021, have also been extended to other members of the system.

According to a report from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, all these “privileged management” —as the agents indicated—they left from Aldama itself, which hoped to conclude deals with the businessmen.

The beneficiaries of many of these privileged efforts were the Venezuelan elite close to Maduro. He ordered and Koldo, from the ministry, issued false safe-conducts in which the “guests” were summoned to a meeting with the Ábalos cabinet.

“Without a letter, they don’t enter”Koldo warned in one of the WhatsApp intervened. Once they arrived on Spanish soil, the advisor contacted the national police to facilitate their travel and the control of their passports at the airport.

The process was repeated for three Spaniards (Juan Carlos Cueto, Luis Alberto Escolano and Víctor de Aldama).), in 2020, and four Venezuelans, in 2021. According to the UCO, many of the actions carried out by Aldama had a “direct relationship with Venezuelan citizens of a significant political level.”

One of the safe passages issued by the Ábalos Ministry.


one of them was Alejandro Ceballos Jiménezbusinessman close to Nicolas Maduro’s government and president of Group 7C, one of Venezuela’s three main construction companies.

As can be seen from the WhatsApp Intervening, Ceballos “had dinner” with Ábalos before processing his certificate, issued on March 27, 2021 to facilitate his arrival from Dubai.

The other three, for their part, left Venezuela together a week later, on April 5. It was about Samuel Sánchez Boadaa businessman currently detained in Ecuador; Carlos Alfonso Guillénformer professional baseball player and president of the Tigres de Aragua club; And Katherine Gabriela del Valle Rodriguez Martínezwinner of the Miss Venezuela Water 2018 competition.

Aldama asked Koldo García if these selected guests would have problems going through customs at Barajas airport. “I will do something,” the advisor reassured him, “[pero] tomorrow morning; “Now I don’t call because they tell me to go to hell.” “I’ll fix it,” he insisted.

Delcy Rodriguez

These are not the only visits by a Chavista leader to Spain through the Ministry of Transport. Two months before landing in Spain, in January 2020, José Luis Ábalos and Koldo García received in Madrid the Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguezwho was banned from entering Europe.

According to information from the UCO available to EL ESPAÑOL, the minister had “the approval of the President of the Government”, as reported by this newspaper. In the WhatsApp Intervening, Ábalos warned Pedro Sánchez that they should see each other “discreetly”.

“And to finish annoying you, the vice-president of Venezuela will come privately on Monday and wants to see me discreetly in continuity from the meeting I had with the Minister of Communication (who is his brother). The management that we agreed on in favor of Spanish companies allowed Duro Felguera to recover a significant debt,” Ábalos said.

The investigation document contains the screenshot that the minister sent to Koldo – his then advisor – with the approval of the Prime Minister. Pedro Sánchez responded with a brief message: “GOOD”.

After receiving the image, Koldo replied: “How much I love you.” In the next line, the minister of the time adds, in reference to Pedro Sánchez: “You see that he has not told me anything, but at least he does not oppose it”, he justified .




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