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The Shivite government insists that all adults learn Basque and provides more aid

THE vice-president and advisor of Memory and Coexistence, External Action and Basque, Ana Ollounderlined the commitment of the Government of Navarra move towards free Basque learning on the part of adultsduring the opening ceremony of the 2024-2025 academic year, which took place this Friday in Pamplona.

The vice president was accompanied by the general director of the Basque Navarro Institute, Javier Arakamaand the linguist Abel Camacho Romero. The latter gave a conference on complex educational models for online courses.

In her speech, Vice-President Ollo highlighted two aspects: on the one hand, the commitment acquired by the provincial government in recent years to “move towards free Basque learning by adults”, for which public policy resources are allocated in the calls for help broadcast through Euskarabidea; and, on the other hand, the great work and efforts made by Basque speakers. More than 5,500 adults receive training each year in Navarre.

Thus, Ollo highlighted and recognized the work of the euskaltegiswho managed to bring in “adults who have never learned Basque or who have already learned something but don’t use it”. Basque“. Likewise, he wanted to highlight the great effort made by Euskaltegis to adapt its training activities to all types of audiences.

As for the promotion of Basque among adults in Navarreit should be noted that, throughout the month of September, the “Basque now” promotional campaignin collaboration with 35 local entities and relevant agents in this area, such as the Zubiarte euskaltegi, the Official Language School, the social initiative euskaltegis of the AEK, IKA and Bai & by. Vice-President Ollo thanked all the agents who allow “to move forward in the Basqueization of Navarrese society”.

Likewise, with the aim of continuing to give facilities for learning Basqueas part of the recognition of the right to know, Ollo wanted to recall that the Government of Navarre, through Euskarabideawill soon extend the deadlines for requesting aid in two calls: the call for individual aid for students and the call for help from entities that promote Basque courses and evening schools that teach Basque to adults.

Thus, for students to learn Basque through intensive course modalities, barnetegi and self-studyThe deadline to apply for individual assistance will open on October 1 and close on December 2. This year, an additional 10,000 euros were authorized for this aid, reaching 360,000 euros. In this appeal you can receive aid of up to 400 euros.

The next lesson, The Government of Navarra will increase the funds allocated to individual aid for adults. The scholarships students will receive will increase by 20%. Thus, people who register for courses can receive grants of up to €475. In addition, these subsidies are compatible with those granted by local entities.

He deadline to apply for grants to learn Basque will open on October 1st and end on December 2nd.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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