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HomeLatest Newsthe simple trick to open jars with your own hands

the simple trick to open jars with your own hands

Glass jars are an essential part of any Spanish kitchen.. Thanks to them, we can keep it organized and the food does not spoil. The problem is that when we want to open them, we cannot always do it. Fortunately, the most effective trick is also the simplest and you probably do not know it.

So far, The tips for opening glass jars have always been the same and, as simple as they seemed on the internet, they didn’t always work or were more complicated than what was said.

For example, It takes some skill to open a glass jar using a spoon or knife.. The same thing happens if the solution is to hit him with the counter.

Additionally, these types of home remedies for unscrewing caps are somewhat dangerous and can damage the product. The trick that has now gone viral on social media is much more effectiveyou can do it no matter how strong you are and there is no risk of the boat breaking.

The Simple Trick to Open a Glass Jar Without Tools

There are home remedies that require a specific product or brute force. These are not accessible to everyone and, therefore, the best ones are always those that even your mother could start applying tomorrow.

The following home remedy does not require much skill. nor apply excessive force.

The only thing to do is to fix the glass jar on the table so that it does not move. Next Interlace the fingers of your hands to form a small mountain in the shape of HAS.

Without letting go of your fingers Press the palm of each hand against the lid of the jar and increase the intensity by pushing upwards. In a few seconds you will hear this click so characteristic that it indicates that you have reached it.

The trick has gone viral on social media Martha Veronaa woman famous for winning the sixth edition of the prestigious MasterChef competition. Even she herself couldn’t believe that this remedy worked so well.

Why shouldn’t you hit a can to open it?

Although we have long been told that prying with cutlery or banging a pot is a good way to open it, the consequences can be fatal:

  • Injuries
  • Food damage: If the jar breaks, the food will spoil. Also, a blow to the container can contaminate the contents.
  • Tool damage: Spoons, forks and other utensils not designed for this purpose may bend and become unusable.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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