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HomeTop StoriesThe Six Keys to Losing Weight Fast, According to Experts

The Six Keys to Losing Weight Fast, According to Experts

THE Fat loss is a process which depends on several fundamental fundamentals of the body. This process requires a mental and physical disposition to achieve the goal. Even if it is not easy, lose weight and reduce body fat It doesn’t have to be complicated.

To facilitate this journey, the Via Sanatio group, professionals in nutrition, sport and medicine, has put online a publication on its social networks contributing six fundamental aspects to lose fat.

The expert begins by explaining: “In a fat loss process, it is essential to achieve a caloric deficit. And you will ask me: What is a caloric deficit? calorie deficit? Well, it’s nothing more than consuming less than you burn.”

During this process, it will be essential that we eat properly and healthily. For them, we must increase the consumption of proteins, reduce carbohydrate intake and increase healthy fat levels.

In addition, during this process it will be essential that we train our strength and stay active throughout the day. “It does us no good exercise for an hour in the morning if we sit for eight hours. So try to take the stairs or leave the car parked and walk around,” adds the expert.

On how to measure fat, the professional states that “The scale is not a reliable measure during a fat loss process. “You already know that weight fluctuates a lot depending on factors: water retention and hormonal changes or intestinal mobility.”

Beyond the numbers on a scale, there are more reliable measurements during this process, “like taking body measurements or seeing how clothes you already know fit.”

The Six Fundamentals of Fat Loss

In summary, these are the Six fundamental aspects to lose fat:

  • Caloric deficit.
  • Sufficient amount of protein.
  • Reduce carbohydrates.
  • Increase healthy fats.
  • Strength training.
  • Stay active.


Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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