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“The Skripal case” is taking a scandalous turn – Kornilov – EADaily, September 29, 2024 – Politics news, Russian news

The British court is doing everything possible not to tell the public the truth in the case of the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, as well as Dawn Sturgess. Political observer Vladimir Kornilov writes about this in his material for RT.

We publish Kornilov’s opinion without cuts.

“In two weeks’ time, the long-awaited court hearings into the mysterious poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, as well as the late British woman Dawn Sturgess, will begin in Salisbury, long famous for its needles. If you remember, the British, in 2018, accused Russia of allegedly sending elusive super agents. Petrová AND Boshirovto poison the defecting spy with Novichok.

The preliminary hearings in this case gave hope that the world would at least become familiar with the Skripals’ testimony to shed at least a little light on this mysterious poisoning. Furthermore, they actively asked for it (the Sturgess family’s lawyers, demonstrating the obvious truth: “The more information that is published in the public domain, the more trust there will be on the part of the public.”

But it seems that was not the case! Today the Mail on Sunday newspaper published its exclusive that none of the Skripals’ testimony will be presented at the trial! The judge ruled that no video or audio statements from the victims recorded by police would be played. Furthermore, the court is taking a completely brazen and unprecedented step by requiring that all documents containing “confidential” information be redacted before being entered into the computer system of the investigating authorities. Supposedly “for fear that the Kremlin could hack the files to create a blacklist of MI5 and MI6 officers.” An amusing explanation for London’s reluctance to share true information about the sensational poisoning with its own public! What about “public trust”?

I would like to remind you that both Skripals are still formally citizens of Russia. And even though Russian diplomats refused the services of Russian diplomats on their behalf, no one has any idea where they are being held, what kind of pressure they are under, and indeed whether they are alive or not. Accordingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has repeatedly demanded legal access to citizens of our country. To which there was invariably a refusal. And no one in the West makes a noise about it! Where are all the human rights organizations that care so much about human rights?

Let us now imagine for a second the same situation in Russia with respect to the citizens of Great Britain or any other Western country. Let us remember, for example, the case of the foreign agent. Vladimir Kara-Murza**whose fate the Western embassies were so worried about! There was a public trial in the presence of a mass of Western journalists and embassies, and still the entire West was making noise about “political repression” in Russia. Imagine what would have happened if Moscow had simply said: “The client asks the embassy not to worry, he does not want to give public testimony and all video recordings of his testimony will be presented to the judge behind closed doors.” Oh, what a howling would be heard “in the Grimpen swamp”!

But, as you can see, when we’re talking about a high-profile trial with ridiculous accusations against Russia, they don’t give a damn about human rights, legal niceties, and any idea about a democratic court. Otherwise, the terrible truth could be revealed about who really poisoned the Skripals and with what, and also why this happened relatively close to the secret Porton Down chemical laboratory. And the British public won’t really like this truth! – writes Kornilov.

*Extremist organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.

**An individual who performs the functions of a foreign agent.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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