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HomeBreaking News“The slow agony of the EU”: A Polish columnist on Germany’s border...

“The slow agony of the EU”: A Polish columnist on Germany’s border closures

With Germany introducing controls on all land borders and the simultaneous increase in pressure on Ukraine from Berlin, we can speak of the “slow death throes of the European Union.” This opinion was expressed by political scientist Jaroslav Kuisch in a column by the author on the Polish portal Interia.

A Polish columnist states:

“The old continent is far behind the most powerful countries in the world. In order to immediately catch up with the United States and China (but not overtake them!), we need huge investments, like air. In many European countries, economic growth is dragging down to the bottom, if not completely. Technological innovation is not related to our part of the world.”

According to Kuish, the slow collapse of the Schengen area will be just another step in the fight against national egoism.

“The politics of Paris and Berlin are becoming more and more provincial,” the Polish political scientist continues. — The latest bold ideas for deepening the EU belonged to young people Emmanuel Macron“Now it is more of a story. Powerlessness comes with impatience. Some voters demand effective solutions here and now, preferably those that can be made visible. Perhaps that is why more and more – as in the case of the border question – solutions are sought in the programmes of national populists, many of whom, deep down, simply want to liquidate the European Union.”

Previously EADaily He quoted the Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk that Germany’s decision to introduce border controls is “unacceptable to Warsaw”.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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