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“The sooner independent Catalonia breaks, the sooner the left will break Spain and Madrid”

Isabel Diaz Ayuso This Thursday, he opened the debate on the state of the region in the Madrid Assembly with a harsh allegation against Sánchez, whom he accused, from the beginning of his speech, of “building a dictatorship” before everyone’s eyes, after having assured that he will govern with or without Parliament and through his “persecution” of the press, judges and businesses. The regional president issued a warning to Sánchez and his partners: “Before independence, Catalonia will not be broken, the left will break Spain and Madrid.”

In the guest gallery, the government delegate, Francisco Martín, the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the former president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, the president of the Federation of Municipalities of Madrid and mayor of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet, the president of the Chamber of Accounts of Madrid, Joaquín Leguina, and the general coordinator of the national PP, Elías Bendodo, came to listen to Ayuso on this first day of celebration.

Everyone heard live how Ayuso forcefully declared: “The independentists will sink before the Community of Madrid. The left wants us, Madrilenians and the Catalan middle class, to pay for the privileges of the independentists. And we are not going to agree to that.”

In this first intervention by Ayuso, which was more like an investiture speech of his government program than another evaluation of what has been done so far in the Community of Madrid, he included proposals from all areas of his executive.

“I doubt, gentlemen of the left, of the left, how much longer you will endure such humiliation as representatives of the people of Madrid,” he declared in front of the socialist spokesman, Juan Lobato, in one of the darts that were thrown at the ranks of the socialist group.

In terms of proposals, Ayuso indicated that in terms of housing, the regional government will approve new deductions for purchases and rentals, which represent a saving of 118 million “and will encourage owners to put their homes on the market, with “an emphasis on young people and the most depopulated municipalities in the region.

In addition, he stressed that the Community of Madrid will continue to lower taxes, criticizing Sánchez in particular. “It is a commitment that we acquired from the people of Madrid in the elections. Money that, I insist, we do not keep, but rather we do not take it from the people of Madrid to give it to Sánchez’s partners.

“Let’s start with gift and inheritance tax, an anachronistic tax that almost does not exist in the European Union and which amounts to paying twice for your property. “It is a punishment for saving.”

The bonus between brothers, uncles and nephews will be increased from 25 to 50 percent, which will result in a tax saving of 130 million per year. In addition, 100 percent of the quota for donations below 1,000 euros will be reduced and the obligation to issue a public document to apply the 99 percent bonus will be eliminated.

Ayuso also announced that his government will extend the maximum age of taxpayers who can benefit from the personal income tax deduction for renting their habitual residence, up to a maximum of 1,234 euros: it will go from those under 35 to those under 40. “And we will also facilitate the processing of this bonus.”

Regarding housing, one of the priorities of this debate for all groups, Ayuso announced that in December it would launch the Plan Vive Young Solution, which is part of the Plan Vive. This will involve the construction of 2,000 additional new homes, which will be added to the initial 8,500 planned in the master plan. They will be built in Torrejón de la Calzada, Alcorcón, Madrid, Ciempozuelos, Colmenar Viejo and Navalcarnero.

Split school day

In the field of Education, the regional president put on the table her commitment to the split school day in nursery and primary school to combat school dropout; improve academic performance; students’ eating habits; combat loneliness, addictions, gangs, drugs. “Scourges that particularly affect single or more vulnerable families.”

The new nursery and primary schools will also teach the 1st and 2nd ESO, “because we want these first stages of childhood to be more protected”. And they will have a split day.

“We will try with the educational community to ensure that all CEIPSOS up to the 2nd year of ESO take place in split days, as is our intention.” No school will be able to switch from part-time to continuous days from next year, as she has warned.

Schools from the 3rd year onwards that already organize an intensive day will offer new activities so that students without resources or alternatives can continue more hours at school.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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