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The Spanish Association Against Cancer of Navarra promotes an initiative to help people with cancer and their families

THE Spanish Association Against Cancer of Navarre leads a new process of citizen participation for the design and construction of The House of Life in Pamplona.

The House of Life represents a turning point in the way we deliver services to people with cancer and their families in Navarre, by grouping care activities in a single space, support and comprehensive services for patients, family members, partners, collaborating entities, industry professionals, sponsors and volunteers.

Since last May, the Association in Navarre has initiated an active listening process with the various groups involved (patients and families, volunteers, partners, professionals and other entities in the social and health sector) to gather their opinions, expectations and suggestions on The House of Life.

This space aims to become a welcoming place for cancer patients and their families, as well as a meeting point for cancer prevention in the community. In this participatory processwhich is open to all members of the Association, aspects such as the final design of the spaces and the programming of the activities that will take place there are subject to consultation.

Next citizen participation session: September 18

Next Wednesday, September 18, at 5:30 p.m., the next discussion group of this process will take place at the headquarters of the Association in PamplonaDuring this session, participants will have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and proposals to shape a project that is built together.

THE Association in Navarre invites all interested members to participate and contribute their voice in the configuration of this new space which will mark a before and after in the attention to the beneficiaries of the Association.

This participation process has the Subsidy from the Government of Navarrewithin the framework of the call for citizen entities that develop projects aimed at encouraging and promoting citizen participation in the Foral Community of Navarre

How to participate

Those interested in participating can register by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling phone 948 212 697. The number of participants is limited (maximum 15 people), so it is essential to confirm your presence before Monday, September 16. This is a unique opportunity to actively participate in the construction of a space that will offer services such as psychological and social care, a residence for patients and families, a library, a gym, an aesthetic counseling room and much more. In addition, it will be a place where prevention and awareness activities in the fight against cancer will be promoted.

A project for the future: “The House of Life”

The House of Life It is designed as an integrative and multidisciplinary space that will not only offer support to people affected by cancer and their families, but will also host activities that promote well-being and prevention in the community. The construction of this space responds to the need to adapt our services to the demands of the future, in line with the Association’s national strategic plan that seeks to give greater visibility to people affected by cancer under the objective “Patient with voice“.

In this sense, the project is based on the demographic trends of aging and the increase in situations of unwanted loneliness, which suggest that the number of people to be served will be growing and with more diversified needs.The House of Life” aims to be a spatial model meeting these needs, aligned with the 2030-2040 horizon.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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