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HomeEntertainment NewsThe still unfinished seduction operation of the RN towards the Jewish community

The still unfinished seduction operation of the RN towards the Jewish community

There “secret meeting” It wasn’t meant to stay like this for long. However, instructions had been given on 1Ahem In July, they left the phones outside the room that brought together Marine Le Pen, leader of the deputies of the National Rally (RN), her advisor Renaud Labaye and around twenty leaders of Jewish communities from the Ile-de-France in a Parisian bar. . An unprecedented turn of events for the RN, after several decades of marginalization due to the anti-Semitism of numerous leaders, including the first of them: Jean-Marie Le Pen, former president of the National Front (FN, now RN). .

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The claims of the national demonstration against anti-Semitism

If the far-right party still refuses to communicate about the event, an anonymous complaint on social networks, then a departure of the two organizers (René Taïeb and Albert Myara, two representatives of the Jewish community of Ile-de-France) in The Sunday newspaperfour days later, he quickly provided publicity. TO “dialogue” symbolic of the search for respectability led by the lepénist party with respect to the French of Jewish faith. Also revealing of the debates that have agitated community associations since the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas in Israel on October 7, 2023, in the face of the commitments of Marine Le Pen’s troops against anti-Semitism and in support of Israel.

The Jewish religious leaders interviewed agree on at least one point: “There was a before and after October 7. » A turning point in vulnerability that believers have never felt since the Shoah. A key date, also, in the apprehension of the national political scene. “Marked by a rare feeling of loneliness since that day, French Jews have probably received every sign of support with greater sympathy.”summarizes Ariel Goldmann, president of the Unified Jewish Social Fund, the financial heart of the community in France. Immediate complaint of a “pogrom”absolute support then for Israel’s right to defend itself, indignation later at the multiplication of anti-Semitic acts: in its support for the Jewish community, the RN has never publicly relented in the last twelve months.

“Today it remains unambiguous”

Showing this issue is not new for Marine Le Pen. Since her arrival to the presidency of the FN in 2011, the three-time presidential candidate has made her search for legitimacy against anti-Semitism the definitive “lock” in the enterprise of “demonizing” a movement that, co-founded in 1972 by former collaborators and members of the Waffen-SS, now intends to seize power. However, this strategy has never had the good will of so many representatives or figures of the Jewish community as since October 7. Faced with a punished left Due to its ambiguities, even its commitments, the RN no longer appears, for many, as the most “dangerous” political force.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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