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The “supervolcano” that worries the Spanish the most has been threatening to wake up for months

In recent months, volcanoes have been a major concern. In Spain, last August, the Cabildo of La Palma activated the protocol of the Island Emergency Plan in some parts of the island due to the presence of specific peaks of gas measurements. Although it The emergency advisor reassures the population, there are still some who think about the 2021 eruption which devastated more than 1,300 homes.

In Europe, the concern seems even greater. Especially, taking into account the presence of some supervolcanoes that have been active for decades. According to volcanologists, there are 20 known on Earth and if one of them were to erupt, it would cause a volcanic winter for years that would wipe out agriculture and livestock,causing a global food crisis in just 74 daysaccording to the United Nations.

Although for the moment this is far from being the case, it is true that there are some whose activity has increased in recent months, as is the case of the Phlegraean Fields. And although we do not have one in Spain, it is true that it is so close that it has caught the attention of the population and experts of the country.

A constantly active “supervolcano”

The Phlegraean Fields, known in Italian as Campi Flegrei, are a volcanic caldera located in southern Italy, near the city of Naples. This volcanic complex has a long and tumultuous geological history and It is famous for its seismic and volcanic activity, as well as for its historical and mythological relevance.

The Campi Flegrei are a supervolcanothat is, a type of volcano with a magma chamber a thousand times larger than that of a conventional volcano. The name “Phlegraean” comes from ancient Greek and means “burnt” or “fiery”, reflecting the volcanic activity that has characterized the region for thousands of years.

In fact, the Phlegraean Fields are not just a volcanic caldera, but an area composed of several craters and volcanic formations, many of which are submerged under the Tyrrhenian Sea. In recent months, they have experienced an increase in the frequency of these tremors, attracting the attention of seismologists and local authorities.

This volcanic complex was formed about 40,000 years ago and its activity has been intermittently throughout the story. The most famous and devastating eruption occurred about 39,000 years ago, known as the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, which had such widespread effects that it is thought to have contributed to the extinction of Neanderthal species in Europe due to subsequent climatic cooling.

One of the most fascinating features of the Phlegraean Fields is constant hydrothermal activity, visible in the geysers, fumaroles and hot springs found throughout the region, including Solfatara, a volcanic crater that has been a major tourist attraction. Here, sulphurous gases and water vapour emerge from the earth, creating a unique landscape and a palpable sense of latent volcanic activity.

The region is of great scientific interest due to the phenomenon of bradysisma type of volcanic activity that does not involve violent eruptions, but the soil uplift and subsidence due to the accumulation and release of magma below the surface. This process has been studied for centuries, especially in the port of Pozzuoli, where significant changes in the elevation of the land have been recorded.

Decades of constant activity

Despite their natural beauty and history, the Phlegraean Fields remain a source of concern for volcanologists and local authorities, due to their likely to cause a catastrophic eruption. Although there have been no major eruptions in recent decades, the area is still closely monitored to prevent disasters.

In recent months, the Phlegraean Fields have again raised the concern of geologists due to a series of signs suggesting a possible volcanic reactivation. The area, which has experienced volcanic activity for thousands of years, is currently in a state of increasing instability.

In November last year, the region experienced one of its largest earthquakes (magnitude 4.2) and since then, concern has grown and a yellow alert level has been maintained. Nevertheless, That same year, the largest earthquake (magnitude 4.4) was recorded in the region. over the past four decades.

The earthquake shook the province of Naples, but was also strongly felt in the city center, causing scenes of panic among residents and concern among some experts. As the Vesuvius Osservatory reports, during the month of July 2024, 668 earthquakes were recorded in the Campi Flegrei region.

One of the most recent occurred last August, with a magnitude of 3.7. As reported by the Italian media, the earthquake occurred at 9:23 pm and had a hypocenter of only 2.4 kilometers, making it particularly intense and noticeable even from afar. It was felt in several neighborhoods of Naples, from Fuorigrotta to Bagnoli and even in the Colli Aminei.

These types of earthquakes have been persisting for months in the region due to the increased bradysismIn Pozzuoli, one of the areas most affected by this phenomenon, the ground has continued to rise in recent months, at a rate of 10 millimetres per month.

This type of activity is not new, since bradysm is a historical feature of the Phlegraean Fields, but the recent acceleration of ground uplift is unusual and suggests a greater accumulation of magma or volcanic gases at depth.

In addition to bradyism, geologists have also recorded an increase in seismic activity. Last year, there were thousands of small earthquakes in the regionsome of them being strong enough to be felt by the local population.

These earthquakes are generally superficial.indicating the interaction between magma and the Earth’s crust, a clear sign that something is moving beneath the surface. While these earthquakes are not particularly devastating in terms of damage, their increasing frequency and magnitude have heightened fears of an eruption.

The combination of these factors has led some geologists to warn of the possibility of a volcanic awakening. Although it is not possible to predict with certainty if or when an eruption will occur, the current activity is significant enough to justify constant surveillance.

The Italian authorities, in particular the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, are monitoring the situation. It is essential, as indicated by the cited media, keep citizens informed and that institutions adopt appropriate preventive measures.

Despite everything, the eruption It is neither certain nor immediate.So for now the monitoring of the situation continues without it being necessary to trigger an evacuation of the inhabitants of the municipalities closest to this volcanic caldera. The authorities have started to take measures such as the inspection of many buildings in order to avoid new problems.




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