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HomeLatest NewsThe theses of the ANC and the CUP

The theses of the ANC and the CUP

The independence movement knows the eternal return of delirium. In 2015, the CUP sent the “cunning” Artur Mas to the dustbin of History (that pathetic embrace of the convergent with Fernández of Cuba!). The anti-system imposed on the Generalitat a man from America with a fringe to do the job: the DUI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) “in the form of a republic”. The thing was as it was (very bad). Ten years later, nothing new under the sun. That of Amer, today ‘Bifugado’, with his attenuated but still attractive bangs, blackmails the sanchist government in difficulty in Switzerland when the amnesty does not reach it. And he keeps one of his squires, the singer Lluís Llach, at the head of the ANC (Catalan National Assembly). These are his powers with the ghostly Consell de la República Created in 2012, at the supposedly unanimous era of the “right to decide” and the provocative “President, put in the ballot boxes” of its president Carme Forcadell (now an activist of the ERC). , the ANC presents itself as an independent organization, “funded by its members, subscribers and private donations, and is not associated with any political party,” according to its website. The website also emphasizes that “no active politician has the right to hold any position within the ANC”. Disarmed by the sad civil response to the harangues of the last Diada, the ANC drew up a road map for which the CUP writer, Julià de Jòdar, was responsible. The mental evacuation is entitled “August Thesis”: a way like any other to occupy his free time while the great leader of the independence movement validated his Houdini skills in front of the police of Madrid and Barcelona who looked the other way. The August theses are ten in number like the commandments. In the first, this 1-O was accepted as good, where voting was carried out three times as approval of an independence process sanctioned on 27-O. The second regrets that the seizure of power in the streets by the independence forces did not have its counterpart in the parliamentary parties. The third describes the state’s response as “totalitarian” and asserts that independence “will have to be radically and stubbornly unilateral, through processes of resistance and rebellion.” The fourth and fifth theses abound in street fighting and control of territory and communications. The sixth attacks the pacts of Esquerra and Junts in Madrid: pardons and amnesty “only served the State to use them, in the best tradition of dictatorial systems, to forgive their hired killers “. The seventh paints a victimist picture of Catalonia: totalitarian repression, denial of “essential” rights and “colonial predation”. The eighth is always the same thing: the confrontation against “pacification” and colonial pillaging (what a colony!). The theses end with a call for independence activism and “popular struggle”: its terms recall the Marxist-Leninist pamphlets of the seventies of such unfortunate memory. Two conclusions. These “August theses” will not be among Julià de Jòdar’s best. Another conclusion: the ANC’s decalogue resembles more the CUP which sent the bourgeois Mas to the historic stationery than an organization which prides itself on being supra-partisan: the falling figures from the latest calls show that the ANC has already passed its time. “popular” rice. Llach declared on the eve of the Diada that the ANC does not care which party its supporters belong to as long as they are pro-independence. This is why he admitted the far-right Aliança Catalana to the demonstration. Ultras from left and right with “estelada” and torch in hand. The Catalan National Assembly continues its (tortuous) path.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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