I think the time has come for the Spanish to react. A nation like ours cannot be vilifieddespised and mistreated for years.
A nation like the Spanish cannot be at the risk of whims and immoral acts on a daily basis. This cannot be at the top of the list of international shames and the most heartbreaking indignities.
A nation like Spain has the obligation to always set an example and to set an example for the nations with which it has centuries-old historical ties.
A nation like Spain has the permanent responsibility to work for the common good and the general interest of all Spaniards.
A nation like Spain must protect democracy and denounce attacks on judicial independence, the rule of law, freedom and democracy.
Spain is in a serious situation and urgently needs to recover the essential values and fundamental democratic foundations. The pulse of the Spanish people seems to be at a minimum and it is our inalienable obligation, all of us, to spread spirit and strength in society.
We Spaniards must get rid of the laziness, indifference and hypnotic situation we are going through.
This week, coinciding with the exact month of the Venezuelan elections and the overwhelming victory of the opposition, we celebrate 300 days. An irreducible group of ordinary Spaniards has been fighting for 302 days today on Ferraz Street in Madrid, as well as in Burgos and other Spanish cities. Leading the battle for dignity and the fight for the essential foundations of Spain. In an exemplary attitude, these 302 days that we celebrate today represent millions of Spaniards… Yes, millions, and they also represent the ordinary people who make this possible, they represent the values that must be transmitted to the new generations as the best of treasures.
Today’s Spain represents a failure of the rule of law and a direct attack on the Constitution, as well as a failure of the harmony and peace that we knew more than four decades ago.
The 302 days of Ferraz, Burgos, Ciudad Real, Seville and other cities represent the pride of the Spanish people of all thought that wants to protect the fundamental principles of what Spain means and the embrace that we Spaniards have given ourselves, and also represent the living awareness of a nation that they want to destroy.
The 302 days of Ferraz, Burgos, Ciudad Real, Seville and other cities are the bastion of Spain.
Never before have there been daily demonstrations denouncing an amnesty law that attacks the heart of democracy and that attacks the heart of European democracy. Never before have the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law and democracy been protected on a daily basis.
The 302 days of Ferraz and other cities are the May 2nd of the dignity of the Spanish people and the May 2nd of the 21st century for freedom and democracy; It is the May 2nd of the strength of a society that revolts against the injustice of a government that has betrayed the country.
Ferraz’s 302 days are the We the people of the entire population that unites and shouts together to recover freedom and the bases of democracy and that shouts together to claim what unites everyone, that is, Spain. We the people who, in an exemplary manner, leads the true foundations of a democracy and who sets a pioneering and hitherto non-existent example in Europe to make what Europe defends a reality, the fundamental values and pillars of democracy.
The 302 days are also, since July 28, the united voice of the Venezuelan people, the one who overwhelmingly won the elections in the worst conditions of a dictatorship. The 302 days are the constant echo of the call to the consciences of each one so that Venezuela can regain dignity, freedom and democracy. The 302 days are an inexcusable call to the president of the government to congratulate the winners of the elections in Venezuela and condemn a president accused of crimes against humanity, as well as the former Spanish president Zapatero, who protects him to the shame of all.
The call to the President of the Government to condemn the assassinations that are taking place and the 2,400 arrests and more than 100 children whose human rights have been violated.
The call to the President of the Spanish Government not to be an accomplice for a month in a declared theft of the elections, known to all. The demand that not a day goes by without declaring the success of the Venezuelan people who want the disappearance of a criminal dictator. Not a day more. If you do not do it, you will be an accomplice of a criminal. There is no compromise, only justice and truth. Only the authentic defense of freedom and democracy.
The Spanish people must react and imitate the Venezuelan peopletoday a defender of freedom in Venezuela, but also of Christian and Western civilization. We must react definitively and demonstrate massively as we will do in September and beyond, and we must spread the strength of the morality and dignity of the Spanish people in the face of the sinister and ignoble kidnapping that we are suffering, at the hands of the government, of our values, our democratic foundations and our freedom.