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HomeBreaking NewsThe time of the meeting between Bahram Rajabzadeh and Levi Richters has...

The time of the meeting between Bahram Rajabzadeh and Levi Richters has been set

The time of Azerbaijani kickboxer Bahram Rajabzade’s next fight at “Glory” has been announced.

Oku.Az The 32-year-old will reportedly face top-ranked Dutch heavyweight Levi Richters.

The fight will be held on September 21. Levi has 18 wins and 2 losses in 20 fights in the professional ring so far.

The winner of this fight will fight Dutchman Rico Verhoeven, known as the “King of Kickboxing”, for the world belt in the “Collision 7” tournament. That match will take place on December 7 in the Netherlands.

It is worth noting that Rajabzade had 72 fights in the professional ring. He won 69 of them and lost 3 of them.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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