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The transfer of power in Matignon between Gabriel Attal and the new head of government continues

Environmental NGOs demand that the new Prime Minister urgently “change course” on environmental issues

Thursday’s appointment of Michel Barnier as prime minister should be an opportunity to reposition himself “Ecology at the heart of government action” and reopen “urgent files” such as the climate change adaptation plan or the low-carbon strategy, according to environmental NGOs.

The arrival in Matignon of Michel Barnier, Minister of the Environment from 1993 to 1955, “We must turn the page on the mistakes of the Attal government, marked by a weakening of environmental commitments”Future Generations reacted in a press release, calling for a “change of direction”. “Since the dissolution of the National Assembly” and despite the urgency to act against climate change and biodiversity loss, “Ecology was largely absent” debates, laments Véronique Andrieux, general director of WWF France.

Several texts are still pending, such as the multiannual energy planning, the national low-carbon strategy, the review of the national CAP strategic plan or the national plan for adaptation to climate change. In addition, the ceiling letters intended to prepare the budget for 2025, of which some media had knowledge, reported cuts of 1.5 billion euros for the green fund and one billion for the electrification of vehicles.

Greenpeace salutes Mr. Barnier “a sincere interest (…) for environmental issues and a concrete assessment on these issues (Barnier Law, which enshrines the principle of the polluter pays (…) creation of the community aid fund to deal with natural disasters) »Future Generations recalls that as Minister of Agriculture (2007-2009) Mr. Barnier “was able to withstand pressure, in particular from FNSEA, during the Grenelle negotiations on pesticides”opening the way for NGOs to enter into the discussions.

However, several of them express doubts about their willingness to act on the issue. “With Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, there is little hope of putting social and environmental justice at the top of the political agenda”judges Jean-François Julliard, director general of Greenpeace France. “Michel Barnier has not distinguished himself in recent years as a fervent defender of ecology and it is to be feared that he will not make the ecological transition a priority”estimates Morgane Créach, director of the Climate Action Network.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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