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The Treasury will not give you your money back if you don’t do this.

In the coming months, hundreds of thousands of people will receive a significant additional income from the Treasury. Mutualists who previously paid contributions due to an error in the Tax Agency They will receive a large sum of money after a Supreme Court ruling that ruled in favor of this group of retirees. Those who have not yet received the amount will be able to use this money by the end of the year and those who have not submitted the application will have to fill out a form that the Administration has made available to those concerned.

Tax authorities has already caught up and will have to continue to comply with the approximately 4.6 million mutualists who previously paid more to the Social security for an error made by the Tax Agency. The Supreme Court ruling 255/2023, of 28 February 2023, obliges the Administration to pay an amount of between 3,000 and 4,000 euros to the mutualists who, between 1967 and 1978, were harmed by erroneous contributions, since they were charged a contribution of 100% when it should have been 75%.

Thus, during the income campaign that ended on July 1, the Tax Agency This has created a channel for the millions of people who find themselves in this situation to fill out the form and claim the amount that the Treasury owes them after the Supreme Court decision. Mutualists can claim the amounts belonging to the years between 2019 and 2023, which are the years that have not yet expired. Thus, they can benefit from this reduction when contributions have been paid to work mutuals:

  • Before January 1, 1967: The portion of the pension benefit that corresponds to contributions made prior to that date will be reduced to 100%. In other words, this part of the pension will not be taxed.
  • Between January 1, 1967 and December 31, 1978: The portion of the pension benefit that corresponds to contributions paid during this period will be reduced by 25%. In other words, only 75% of this portion of the pension will be taxed.

Mutualists who have already contributed to the State’s passive class scheme, self-employed workers, those who have received a widow’s allowance and those who have received a non-contributory benefit will not be able to claim these amounts.

A retiree looks at papers while sitting at a table with a computer.

Mutualists already aware of the Treasury

Hundreds of thousands of mutualists have already received their compensation from Tax authorities after requesting it before July 1, 2024, the date on which last year’s 2023 income campaign ended. Those who have not yet received income from the. Tax Agency They will be able to receive it before the end of the year, the date set by the Treasury, before having to pay late payment interest, which is generally 4%.

As is the custom in all rental companies, after August, Tax authorities It will be updated in the last quarter of 2023 for taxpayers who filed their tax return by mutual agreement. Mutualists are part of this group of people who will receive in the coming months an income of between 3,000 and 4,000 euros for which they contributed more at the time and which will mean a hole in the state coffers.

Mutualists who have been affected by an error by the Treasury when calculating the contribution and who have not made the claim within the time limit, can still fill out the form activated on the official website of the Tax Agency to be able to receive the corresponding income. the next tax return.

How to register in the form

You can find this form at the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency under the heading “Mutualists: refund requests”. Here you will have all the information related to this area and will understand an explanatory video to make the process as simple as possible. First of all, to submit the form, the Tax Agency needs the Cl@ve, certificate or electronic DNI, which will be essential to be able to carry out this procedure electronically.

The page activated by the Tax Agency.

Once inside the system, you will only have to add the basic identification data, telephone number and bank account. From there, the Treasury will proceed to study the case to proceed to the reimbursement of the amounts then overpaid.

“It will not be necessary to attach any type of documentation to the request, since, in general, the AEAT will already have the necessary information to resolve the request. However, in the event that it is not possible to resolve a specific request with the available information, the interested parties may be required to provide the necessary documents a posteriori”, informs the Tax Agency on its official website.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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