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HomeTechnologythe trick to improve your WiFi speed in seconds

the trick to improve your WiFi speed in seconds

As devices become smarter, they need more bandwidth to function properly. Smartphones, computers, tablets, televisions, refrigerators and now even light bulbs, the demand for internet in our homes is increasing and that is why sometimes the connection is no longer sufficient.

Slow internet connection is one of the biggest problems we can face today because it significantly slows down our work or any management or procedure that you must achieve.

As we have already commented on other occasions, There are countless techniques, remedies and even devices This can help us strengthen the power of connection. But it can also happen that you don’t want to buy another device, and that’s why in today’s article we’re going to tell you a simple little trick that can multiply your WiFi speed without spending an extra euro to buy more power or external tools.

To understand this trick, you need to keep in mind that WiFi connection is a wireless signal emitted from a router. This sign may be stronger or weaker depending on several factorsbeing one of the most decisive the location of the router.

In case you didn’t know, the router needs to be placed in a open, clear space and as high as possible. By mistake or ignorance, many users seek to hide this appliance and keep it away from the main parts of the house (because it is aesthetically ugly), however, for it to give its best, it is necessary to do exactly the opposite.

Improve your WiFi speed with the 30 cm rule

If you have followed these instructions but your WiFi is still not performing at its full potential, you can opt for the 30 centimeter rule for your router. This trick is so basic and simple that you may think it won’t make any difference, but the truth is that it is very effective.

And all you have to do is make sure that your router is at least 30 cm away from any other electronic device, whether it’s your Smart TV, a speaker or any other device you can think of.

This way you make sure that your WiFi is distributed fairly throughout the house, thereby increasing internet speed and avoiding interference which could degrade the quality of the connection.



Jack Wilshere
Jack Wilshere
My name is Jack Wilshere, and I am an author.


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