Monday, September 23, 2024 - 2:04 am
HomeTop StoriesThe two professors who offered conversion therapy in Valencia would be just...

The two professors who offered conversion therapy in Valencia would be just the tip of the iceberg

The case of the two teachers denounced by offer gender reassignment therapy to the children of Valencia could go much further. Saul Castro, president of the association No Es Terapia, denounces that the teachers, one of whom was rejectedfrom the center where he worked, “they were responsible for capture potential victims and they proposed to “eliminate their attraction or projection towards the same sex.”

The two teachers are collaborators of the same center where they allegedly practiced the therapies. They relied on alleged “symptoms” exposed in the book written by one of them, Oscar Garcia, such as “feminine behavior” in children, hypersensitivity or a rejection of team sports.

The author even goes so far as to justify harassment to homosexual minors, a case that affects the Valencian ecclesiastical leadership: the responsible for the presentation of this bookJuan Andrés Taléns, has a position of responsibility within the archbishopric of Valencia, more precisely that of Secretary for the Defense of the Life of the Archbishopric

In addition, The prologue was written by the Bishop of Orihuela himself (Alicante), José Ignacio Munilla, who sees no problem with a book that considers homosexuality as a “maturity problem.”

Several associations have already denounced these events and also underline that The Episcopal Conference is well informed that there are those who have been promoting these activities for years.”All the bishops of Spain know that it exists this “route of hope” and that “Es Possible Hope” intended to implement it through the family counseling centers“said Saul Castro.

It is suspected that these practices They may occur at other times of the country. In Spain, the Gender reassignment therapy is banned by law since 2023, although there are still no sanctions for their execution.




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