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HomeBreaking NewsThe Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has recalled the temporary chargé d'affaires in Georgia

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has recalled the temporary chargé d’affaires in Georgia

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga has fired Ukraine’s temporary chargé d’affaires in Georgia for buying washing machines.

Oku.Az It is reported with reference to TASS.

“According to our information, this (the dismissal of the diplomat – TASS note) is not a political act. The specific representative, if I am not mistaken, has diplomatic status, he bought household items and was deemed unsuitable in the context of the war. This led to his dismissal. We are talking about washing machines,” Kobakhidze said.

Earlier, Sibiga, who has been serving as head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry since September 5, said he intends to dismiss the country’s temporary chargé d’affaires in Georgia. The reason is that he does not understand the realities of kyiv’s current diplomacy.

Ukraine’s new Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga has said that Ukraine’s temporary chargé d’affaires in Georgia has been dismissed.

Oku.AzAccording to reports, the minister himself wrote about it on Facebook.

He said he had met with Ukrainian ambassadors and consuls on Sunday.

“I expressed very clear opinions on the efficiency of the work of the Ukrainian ambassador. This is a concrete result, courage and proactivity. Ambassadors of a country at war cannot be isolated from the realities of war. In this regard, I made a decision to recall the Ukrainian chargé d’affaires in Georgia,” the statement reads.

Sibiga stressed that the long-term mission of the temporary chargé d’affaires in Georgia was suspended due to his lack of full understanding of the realities of the diplomacy of the warring state.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also noted that he made a presentation on the dismissal of Deputy Minister Irina Boroves.

It should be noted that the activities of the Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia were headed by Mikhail Kharishin.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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