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HomeLatest NewsThe unemployed will not be able to receive the 570 euro aid.

The unemployed will not be able to receive the 570 euro aid.

On November 1st, there will be a revolution in aid for unemployed people who have exhausted their benefits. From that date, the changes approved last May will begin to be applied in the Royal Decree Law 2/2024 which implies the elimination of certain subsidies, which will be grouped into others with different names. There is a group of unemployed people who will not benefit from this aid from the SEPE, these are those over 52 years old who have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

He Council of Ministersat the request of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy headed by Yolanda Diazapproved last May a new package of measures that will represent a revolution in terms of SEPE subsidies. All this with the aim of simplifying and facilitating the access of these people to the benefits offered by the State Public Employment Service for people who have exhausted unemployment and are in a situation close to vulnerability.

“The new standard allows for the simplification of regulations to ensure greater flexibility of access and reduce administrative burdens so that the processing and recognition of benefits is easier for citizens. Beneficiaries, in a situation of long-term unemployment, are included as a priority in programs and actions that allow their reintegration into the labor market with guaranteed access to the services of the common portfolio of services of the national employment system,” the government said in an official statement published these days.

Thus, as of November 1, certain subsidies will disappear, such as Active reintegration incomethe allowance for those over 45 without family responsibilities, the extraordinary unemployment benefit, the allowance for people released from prison and the allowance for permanent disability review. All these benefits from this date will be included in the subsidy for exhaustion of the contributory benefit, which will take care of this group of unemployed and as a great novelty there will also be an increase in aid, since during the first six months they will be collected 570 euros corresponding to 95% of the IPREM, the following six 540 euros representing 90% of the IPREM and the rest of the period will be collected the 480 euros that are now collected in most of the aids.

A couple doing math with a piggy bank.

Unemployed people who do not have access to SEPE assistance

There is a group of unemployed people who will not be affected by this aid. SEPE and they are the ones who receive the subsidy for those over 52. This is an income intended for people who have passed this age and have exhausted their unemployment benefits. This will continue to have an amount of 480, 80% of the IPREM, and can be received indefinitely until the person in question can find a job or access retirement. Regarding the minimum contribution base for the subsidy for those over 52, it will continue to be 125% of the minimum contribution ceiling in force at any time.

Regarding the conditions to be met by the group of unemployed people to benefit from this aid from the SEPE, they are as follows:

  • Be unemployed.
  • Be 52 years of age or older and have exhausted unemployment benefits, be an immigrant returned to Spain, released from prison without the right to benefits or have been declared fully capable or a person with a permanent disability.
  • Be registered as a job seeker for one month from the end of unemployment benefit.
  • Comply with the activity agreement, attached to the grant application.
  • Not have any personal income of any kind which, calculated monthly, exceeds 75% of the minimum interprofessional wage.
  • Prove that on the date of the causal event and on the date of the grant application, you meet all the requirements, except age, to access any type of contributory retirement pension from the Spanish Social Security system.

To access this help from SEPE and to be able to receive the subsidy for those over 52 indefinitely, the relevant documents must be presented in the various channels of the Social security as:

  • The electronic headquarters of SEPE.
  • At the benefits office (after making an appointment at the SEPE electronic headquarters or by telephone).
  • At any public records office.
  • By administrative mail.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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