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The University and the Generalitat will coordinate their lawyers to act on the medical degree in Alicante

Generalitat Valenciana and University of Alicante (UA) will coordinate its legal services to see the steps to follow once the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) has decided on the issuance of the Medical degree at UA after the procedure opened at the request of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche. This is one of the initiatives emanating from the meeting held by the President of the Valencian Government. Carlos Mazon and the rector of the AU Amparo Navarro this Monday in Alicante.

Carlos Mazón and Amparo Navarro met for three hours this Monday in Alicante. The meeting, which began at 7 p.m., ended after 10 p.m. at “good melody“, as published, also this Monday, by OKDIARIO.

The reason for the meeting between Mazón and Navarro was precisely Degree in Medicine at the University of Alicantewhich received the green light from the previous president of the Generalitat Valenciana, the socialist Ximo Puig, in 2022. And which led to the opening of a procedure at the request of the UMH in the Valencian TSJ.

In this process, the Generalitat Valenciana then appeared. But, this summer, it was raided because the procedure undertaken by the Generalitat with the socialist Ximo Puig was “riddled with errors“.

Although, from the beginning, the new president of the Generalitat Carlos Mazón has maintained that the 172 students currently studying the medical degree at the University of Alicante, those studying the first and second year of this degree, They were guaranteed continuity regardless of the decision of the High Court of Valencia.which is about to be known.

In addition, Mazón raised a interuniversity campus between UMH and UA, to guarantee education at the highest level with inter-university diploma titles for students from both universities and with a rational use of public resources.

This Tuesday, UA Rector Amparo Navarro was interviewed early in the morning A puntValencian Regional Television. And there he reported that Mazón had transmitted him a message of tranquility regardless of the decision of the TSJCV for the University of Alicante to continue teaching the medical degree and that they had also agreed to “explore” the concept of a university campus. And, from what is clear from his manifestations, not only within the framework of this medical degree, but also propose new studies and joint degreesas well as infrastructure.

But, probably, the area that most clearly shows the new common path undertaken by the Generalitat and the AU is that of the coordination of the legal services of both parties. “when the sentence arises” to “see the steps to follow”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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