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The University of Alicante will maintain the medical degree and offer internships on a campus with the University of Elche

THE University from Alicante (UA) will keep your diploma of Medicine -whatever happens in court- and its students will do internships on a campus shared with the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche. This is the result of the tension of several weeks to know the future of these studies in the province.

After the meeting between the Rector of the University of Alicante, Amparo Navarrowith the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos MazonYoung people who intend to build a future with this career can be assured that they will be able to choose between the two cities to enroll and that they will have resources and opportunities without discrimination.

After considering that “yesterday’s meeting could mark the beginning of the collaboration” and that it was also “reassuring on many points”, Navarro clarified this clear landscape: “The first thing we propose is a message of tranquility for the studentsbecause without a doubt, whatever the outcome of the sentence, they will continue their studies and end up, as we all hope, obtaining a medical degree.

Not only those who followed them in the first two promotions, since the Faculty closed in the 90s. “The University of Alicante will continue to teach medicine and, obviously, I am also committed to exploring, studying and working on this concept of interuniversity campus medicine in the sense of proposing new projects and new joint degrees and collaborating with the Miguel Hernández University in internships.

In fact, the director of the Sant Vicent del Raspeig campus clarified that this cooperation with Elche is already taking place in other areas. She also spoke in favour of “advances in share infrastructuregroups of investigation and, as we have always done with other degrees, common issues that have united us for 25 years.

With 172 students enrolled

Currently, two courses are being taught with 172 studentsregistered and we are waiting for the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community to rule on the matter. resource posed by Miguel Hernández University (UMH) against the authorization decree approved by the Generalitat Valenciana in 2022 -with the previous government of Ximo Puig– and to which the Autonomous Administration then acquiesced, that is, withdrew due to “neutrality” in the conflict.

In this regard, Navarro urged us to wait for the decision of the TSJ and expressed his “confidence” that “it will be favorable to the interests of the University of Alicante and, therefore, will revalidate the procedure that has been carried out.”

“We are two great universities that can share a lot of things,” he added. “There are many new degrees that we don’t have at our university that we could explore the possibility of raising them together; in fact, we already have some joint master interuniversity with the Miguel Hernández University, we were working and we will continue to work,” he stressed.

Regarding the Generalitat’s proposal to create a university health campus in Alicante, Navarro acknowledged that she “still does not know what the concrete project is”, although she expressed her willingness to study these and other avenues, “in addition to share practicesinfrastructure, teaching exchanges and joint participation in public research calls.

And he concluded by proposing to “sit” on a commission with the Miguel Hernández University and “analyze all the possibilities of sharing resources and projects between the two universities.”

President Mazón also celebrated that “finally” both universities have “confirmed that they are willing to talk about the future” to launch the interuniversity campus in the province of Alicante. “This will allow us to do more and better investment have more and best doctors” he stressed.

He pledged to guarantee “total security” that medical students will be able to continue their studies in Alicante, regardless of the resolution of the TSJCV, without hiding the “doubts” that both the UMH and “the legal services of the Generalitat” had on the fact that the authorization file for the Diploma in Medicine at the UA “was handled correctly” by the previous government of Ximo Puig.

He described the meeting with the rector as “very positive” and highlighted “the dialogue he has always maintained” with his department at the head of the AU.

Likewise, he highlighted the “great opportunity” that opens up with the interuniversity campus between the UMH and the UA to “share spaces, hospitals and all the necessary resources to have the best possible doctors in the Valencian Community.

According to him, this “opens the doors to the growth of better conditions” so that medical students “not only have the opportunities they have today to do internships, but also much more.”

“The Government does not authorize the MIR and collapses”

At the same time, he regretted that in the meantime the Valencian Community continues “to have the same problem as always”, namely that the Government of Spain “does not allow the MIR And collapse their entry into hospitals”, and “the Ministry of Science still does not authorize the approval of non-European doctors”.

For his part, the Minister of Health, Marciano Gomezwas “optimistic” in the search for a “solution” to the situation of the Medical Degree of the University of Alicante, after the Navarro-Mazón meeting this Monday.

“I am also committed to exploring, studying and working on this concept of an interuniversity campus,” he stressed, in addition to recalling that this situation arises because the processing of the degree “was born very quickly, quickly and with four negative reports from the Planning Service of the Ministry itself; “It was born in a way that is currently before the courts.”

And he added: “I, as a doctor, what I would like, and it seems that it is going to happen like this, is that we look for a solution so be it positivewhere synergies can be sought, where medical students can be well trained, who will then provide us with their assistance, and where the professionals themselves who are going to teach this teaching provide it with criteria of quality and prestige.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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