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The USO union calls on the workers to enter into social dialogue like Pimec, the rival employers’ association of Cepyme

The Union Sindical Obrera (USO) filed a formal request with the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy to join the National Consultative Commission on Collective Agreements. The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, reformed the configuration of the collective bargaining consultative body behind the Economic and Social Council (CES) to facilitate the inclusion of regional employers’ associations such as Pimec or Pimeb. This decision was also not a tasteful dish on the part of the majority unions, UGT and CCOO, considering that it broke the “status quo” of social dialogue.

Among the functions of this consultative body, we can distinguish the functional scope of collective agreements, the issuance of reports on their extension procedures, an observatory of collective negotiations or the resolution of divergences due to the absence of agreement in the processes of non-application.

In its letter to Labor, the USO recalled the consultative and observatory nature of the collective bargaining of this body, which is why it understands that this “does not restrict” that its members must only be the unions that the organic law of freedom of association calls the most representative and those reserved for bodies qualified as institutional representation.

The trade union organization emphasizes that the composition of this tripartite body was regulated in 2012 by a royal decree, even if a an order of August 27 specified the terms of renewal of its members in the event of a change in representationwhich in the case of the union has six members, divided mainly between CCOO and UGT.

He stressed that the issues discussed in this Commission directly affect the general interests of workers, their union representatives and companies. USO is present in collective bargaining in all sectors and, more specifically, in more than 600 collective agreements in all territorial, public and private areas.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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