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The Valencia Provincial Council will strengthen its attention to small municipalities and consolidate regional offices

The Provincial Council of Valencia begins the course with the day of work and coexistence ‘The Diputació in Marxa’, which ends this Tuesday in Cofrentes. In one of the interior regions of the province such as the Ayora Valley, the government team led by the president, Vicent Mompo, and the first and second vice-presidents, Natalia Enguix and Reme Mazzolarireviewed, with the rest of the deputies, the programs that the corporation has implemented and the projects that it hopes to develop in the coming months and throughout the legislature.

Mompó himself made it clear in his closing speech of the day that the work of the Deputation “It should aim to guarantee basic services such as improving the water cycle or waste management in municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, which does not mean that the institution also helps larger municipalities in their projects, since “The intention of this executive is to weave the province from north to south and from east to west. The engine that moves us must be “the pride of being useful”, Mompó transmitted to his team.

The roadmap of the new course highlights the consolidation of the regional offices project, which implicitly implies the strengthening of technical assistance to municipalities, especially the smaller ones. Based on the regional offices Tax management whose corporation is currently present in eight municipalities, the new network of regional offices will have offices in Sagunto, Llíria, Utiel, Chiva, Xàtiva, Gandia and Ontinyent. Other possible locations are being studied in Alzira, Sueca, Ademuz and Villar del Arzobispo.

In the words of President Mompó, this regional network “is the response to one of the main demands of municipalities, especially small ones, that need the advice of the Provincial Council and to have it as close as possible to live their daily lives. Easier.” Vice-president Enguix, coordinator of the program, speaks in the same terms, emphasizing the importance of “staffing these service points that will offer in the same space the tax management service, the assistance of architects, technical and computer engineers, legal advice and the management of subsidies and European funds.

Infrastructures and Pla Obert

The meeting of Chests It served to review the implementation of the main investment programme of the Provincial Council, the Pla Obert. The four-year programme that “softens deadlines and facilitates the execution of works for municipalities”, according to Natàlia Enguix, has already given the green light to the first 80 projects presented by the municipalities, with an investment of more than 14 million euros in actions as diverse as the improvement of the integral water cycle, urban planning, green spaces and sports facilities, the rehabilitation of public spaces and the purchase of properties and vehicles.

He Pla Obertwith a global allocation that ranges from 280 to 350 million euros, “it is much more than a shower of millions, since the priority is to help mayors make the improvements that their municipalities need so that they are not left alone.” euro without investing,” says Vicent Mompó, while Vice-President Enguix, deputy for Municipal Cooperation, recalls that the plan “will be open throughout the legislature so that municipalities can present their requests at any time, with the staff of the Provincial Council at their service, without delays that could complicate the procedures.

For her part, the second vice-president, Remé Mazzolarihas advanced some of the infrastructures that the areas of roads and technical projects that it leads are working on. One of the priorities is to unlock the definitive solution to decongest traffic in Pedralba while respecting the natural environment of the municipality of La Serranía. To this end, the Provincial Council is working on a Turia Environmental Cycle in which more than six million euros will be invested. This is not the only ambitious project in terms of roads, which must also include the splitting of the road that leaves the airport and connects Manises to Riba-roja.

In addition, the Technical Projects department continues to advance in two of the major actions of the legislature, such as the new administrative city that the Provincial Council will have in the capital, in the Jesús complex, and the fixed headquarters of the Escalante Theater that will be located in the IVAF facilities, next to the Luis Fortich public school, which is also owned by the provincial corporation.

Cooperation Fund, Water and Digitalization

The Deputy of the Treasury, Laura Sáez, explained the management of a sector that coordinates the provincial contribution to the Cooperation Fund of the Generalitat, which this year is equivalent to the 80 million euros of the two previous years and quadruples the regional contribution to the municipalities of the province. In addition, the Treasury Delegation currently serves 316 entities, including 239 municipalities, and has a chatbot that, during the first half of the year, responded to more than 9,500 queries related to tax management. Among the novelties, a pilot program of generative artificial intelligence in relation to resources against the waste rate.

It is precisely electronic modernization that is one of the axes highlighted by President Mompó, who told the deputy Juan Ramon Adsuara the challenge of making the province a “reference in innovation and digitalization”. Adsuara himself reviewed with figures the work of a territory that is breaking records. As an example, the 365 smart city projects approved, 33% more than last year. Other important steps are the agreements with Telefónica and universities to measure the level of web security of municipalities and work on the most secure cloud in the country, which will protect the data of municipalities that want it.

The MP for the Integral Water Cycle, Paco comesshowed “the success of creating a specific area for a priority service that deals with almost daily incidents in the municipalities.” Comes stressed the importance of encouraging this type of action from the area and from Pla Obert, and said that the Provincial Council is in contact with different town halls to assume or renew the management of the service across Egevasa.

In Technical and Legal Advice, the assistant Paz Carceller reported that in the first year of the legislature, 445 technical requests from more than fifty municipalities were resolved, especially the smaller ones. In order to solve the problem of lack of personnel in these municipalities with fewer resources, the Technical Assistance area is advancing in the regularization of teleworking, so that engineers and architects can respond to people’s requests in a more agile way and from any point, without having to travel.

In terms of transparency and data protection, the goal is that by 2027, at the end of the legislature, all municipalities will have a “clear, simple and accessible” transparency portal, according to representative Amparo Folgado.

Emergencies and Wellness

In the Emergencies chapter, the deputy responsible for the Provincial Firefighters Consortium, Avelino Mascarell, put on the table two new fundamental infrastructures for the Consortium. On the one hand, the 6,000 square meters that the Provincial Council will allocate to Beniparrell for the administrative part, the switchboard and the training rooms, among other services. And on the other hand, the new fire station in Burjassot to “guarantee that the response time in case of emergency is as short as possible.”

For her part, the deputy for Social Protection, Imma Gonzalezhighlighted “the implementation of a provincial plan for addictive behaviors, the allocation of three million euros to the associations that make up the province and the improvement program of the mental health hospital of Bétera”. As a novelty, “it is planned to promote an active aging program for cities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.”

Equality and democratic memory

In the areas managed by Vice President Enguix, Egalité has increased the subsidies for both the Network of Municipalities Protected against Gender Violence, from 700,000 to 900,000 euros and 100% prepayable, and for non-profit entities, from 80,000 to 900,000 euros. The latter aid is 75% prepayable, with an average of 3,500 euros per entity.

Regarding the provincial network to provide the best response to violence against women, it already exists 237 participating municipalities, 49 in this legislature. It is worth highlighting the modification of the Network’s regulations to include consortia and associations. In addition, the Equality sector is developing a guide to integrate the gender perspective into Pla Obert’s urban actions and is organizing the Feminario and Celia Amorós awards.

In the field of memory, the Provincial Council maintains an investment of more than one million euros per year, which last year was used to finance thirty projects for the rehabilitation of memory spaces presented by 28 town halls; another 20 awareness-raising projects by 14 commemorative bodies; and five projects aimed at locating, excavating, exhuming and identifying the remains of victims in five municipalities. In addition to these actions, we must add the creation of two new websites, the investment of 25,000 euros in memory books distributed among the 130 participating municipal libraries, the publication of the book “My Odyssey” and the presentation of “La Memòria a”. awards.

Culture, tourism and sports

The provincial day held in Cofrentes also served to advance some of the projects in which the Culture sector, led by Paco Teruel, and the Tourism and Sports sector, led by Pedro Cuesta, are working. In the cultural field, the Provincial Council maintains the strength of the SARC, the cultural promotion program to which all the city councils have adhered, and the intention is to “value and bring to the regions in an itinerant way cultural works and contents that are part of the assets of the Provincial Council”, explains Paco Teruel, who also highlighted that MuVIM is about to exceed half a million visits this year.

For his part, Pedro Cuesta highlighted “initiatives to deseasonalize tourism and offer complementary alternatives to the traditional sun and beach.” He also aims to promote traditions and specificities and promote “new brands, both gastronomic and sports, to promote both restaurants and young athletes in the province and carry the name of the Provincial Council around the world.” Cuesta also announced a leisure catalog, similar to that of SARC, which works in collaboration with FOTUR to offer activities to municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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