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HomeLatest NewsThe Valencian orchard monetizes for the first time, thanks to HortiGO2, its...

The Valencian orchard monetizes for the first time, thanks to HortiGO2, its contribution to the absorption of CO2 with a local project with a positive impact

This Monday, the check was handed over to the Water Tribunal to carry out the project to absorb CO2 from emissions generated during the Climate Week of the Cities of Valencia, within the framework of the European Green Capital 2024. This is how the parties to the event presenting the tool HortiGO2 last June, at an event attended by the mayor of Valencia, Maria José Catalá.

The delivery event took place at the headquarters of World Open with the presence of Valencia City Hall councilors, Carlos Mundina and Paula Llobet; and the director of the Green Capital, Antonio García Celda, as well as the CEO of Global Omnium, Dionisio García Comín, Juan Valero de Palma as president of FENCORE (National Federation of Irrigation Communities of Spain) and president of the Water Court, Francisco Almenar, among others.

The Aguas de Valencia Foundation presented the check for €9,873 to the Water CourtThis amount corresponds to the absorption of 326 tonnes of CO2 calculated thanks to the Hortigo2 project.

The amount will be distributed among the communities of irrigators of the irrigation ditches. Mislata, Favara, Benàger i Faitanar and Rascañawithin the framework of the positive project at the local level with the strategic component of promoting the continuity of agriculture in the Huerta Valenciana.

Global Omnium was responsible for the strategic consultancy on the calculation of the absorptions made by the crops of the Valencian orchard, which was validated by a third party according to the requirements of the ISO 14064-2:2019 standard. The check from the Aguas de Valencia Foundation represents the absorption through the positive impact project of the emissions generated during the event Valencia Cities Climate Weekorganized as part of the European Green Capital programming in Valencia.

This event highlighted the city’s strong commitment to sustainable development and highlighted the importance of the Valencian garden in the climate change mitigationThe issuance of this certificate celebrates the success of the Hortigo2 project and highlights the collaboration between institutions and local communities to achieve common environmental goals.

The Councilor for Climate Improvement and Water Management, Carlos Mundina, thanked Global Omnium for its support to the Green Capital and its carbon footprint compensation during the Valencia Climate Week since “the HortiGO2 project offers a local solution to offset greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with the sustainability objectives of Valencia European Green Capital and benefiting the Water Tribunal, an intangible heritage of humanity.

For her part, the advisor for Tourism, Innovation and InvestmentsPaula Llobetstressed that “as European Green Capital 2024, we recognise and support initiatives like these, which promote sustainability and commit to a more balanced and environmentally friendly development model. “This project demonstrates how collaboration between institutions, businesses and citizens can generate a real positive impact.”

Juan Luis PozoDirector of Sustainable Development at Global Omnium, stressed that “this is the first time at a global level, as has already happened with the carbon footprint of the tourist activity of the city of Valencia, which is officially certified according to the international ISO standard. sustainable agricultural crops to offset an international tourist event”

Valencia, European Green Capital, is consolidating itself as a benchmark in sustainability, thanks to projects such as HortiGO2 that integrate advanced technology and international standards to offer effective solutions in the fight against climate change.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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