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The violin spider has arrived in Spain: what to do if it bites you

THE violin spideralso known as the Chilean recluse spider or corner spider, is an arachnid characterized by its reddish-brown color and its violin-shaped mark on his body. Its size varies between one and six centimeters and its color can be light or dark brown, depending on the environment in which it is found. This spider has a flattened and oval bodywith six eyes arranged in a crescent shape, long, thin legs, and fine hairs covering its body, allowing it to move with agility. It usually hides in cracks and hard-to-reach corners, such as behind paintings and furniture.

In Spain, especially in the Mediterranean regions and in provinces such as Vizcaya and Madrid, the presence of the violin spider has increased in recent years and its venom can cause serious skin lesions. One of the most recent cases occurred in Santurtzi (Vizcaya), where a neighbor suffered necrosis as a result of the violin spider bite. Common symptoms of a bite include redness, swelling, and warmth in the affected area. In more severe cases, they may appear systemic complications such as fever and nausea, highlighting the importance of paying attention to the presence of this species.

Everything you need to know about the violin spider

Spiders, with their peculiar and often disturbing appearance, are capable of arousing fear in many people. Its appearance, with multiple eyes, elongated legs and hairy bodiescontributes to their reputation as fearsome creatures. However, most spiders are harmless and play a beneficial role in controlling harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes.

Spiders that may cause concern include: violinist or corner spiderespecially because of its poison. In Spain, cases of bites from this species have been recorded, known to have a venom 15 times more toxic than that of the cobra snake. Although these spiders are not very common, their presence in various regions such as Ibiza, Vizcaya and Valencia has caused some social concern in recent years. In Madrid, in 2017, the discovery of a violinist spider in a bathroom was reported, highlighting the need for vigilance.

Fiddler spiders belong to the Sicariidae family and Genus Loxoscelesand include three species in Spain: Loxosceles rufescens, less dangerous and endemic to the Mediterranean; and the more venomous Loxosceles reclusa and Loxosceles laeta.

These spiders are distinguished by a violin-shaped mark on their backs, a body covered with hair and thin legs. Despite their relatively small size (they usually do not exceed three centimeters), Latin American species tend to be somewhat larger and have more elongated legs.

Fiddler spiders are primarily nocturnal and often hide during the day in cracks, cupboards and dark corners. Instead of creating large webs, they prefer to form silk caves in dark spaces.

Are hunt spiders They feed on small insects and can reach speeds of up to 15 kilometers per hour. Their secretive behavior leads them to bite only when they feel threatened. Generally, they prefer to flee and hide rather than attack.

To prick

THE violin spider bite This can cause a clinical condition called cutaneous arachnoiditis, which in severe cases can lead to gangrene or necrosis.

The most dangerous species, such as Loxosceles reclusa and Loxosceles laeta, can cause anaphylactic shockwith an estimated mortality rate of up to 32% in the most severe cases. However, most stings only cause pain and blisters. The Mediterranean endemic species, Loxosceles rufescens, has a less potent venom.

THE symptoms of a violinist spider bite They include severe pain, redness, swelling, and the appearance of blisters or ulcers in the affected area. General symptoms may include malaise, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and fever.

In case of a bite, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately and, if possible, to collect the spider specimen for more specific treatment. First aid consists of applying ice to the affected area, avoiding unnecessary movement and washing the wound with soap and water. Disinfectants that stain the area should not be used, nor suck the poison with the mouth.

To avoid encounters with these spiders, it is recommended to keep a clean and tidy environmentSeal entry points into the house and use gloves to handle rarely used objects. In addition, it is advisable to shake clothes and shoes before using them and use traps or specific poison to control their presence.

Although the violin spiders They can cause some fear due to their powerful venom, most encounters do not result in serious situations. However, taking preventative measures and knowing what to do in the event of a bite can help minimize the risks associated with these arachnids.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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