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HomeLatest NewsThe Virgin of Fuensanta, a flow of grace for Cordoba

The Virgin of Fuensanta, a flow of grace for Cordoba

Amid applause, he left Our Lady of Fuensanta of the Cathedral, surrounded by an atmosphere of joy and popular fervor, with the marches of Maestro Tejera, as in the last eight years in September.

The young people had taken her there the night before. The Patron Saint left on Saturday through the streets of Cordoba to return to procession to his sanctuary, where thousands of visitors await him on Sunday, as dictated by a centuries-old tradition that remains alive and intact.

The sky turned cloudy in the afternoon and reminded me of what it used to be like usual There was a bit of drizzle on these dates, but fortunately it did not get worse and did not prevent the departure.

The Virgin, Queen of Cordoba, wore the red coat with gold embroidery that was given to him by the Archconfraternity of Carmen and that was on his own step, the work of three artists from Cordoba, Emilio León, Antonio Bernal and Francisco Mira.

His image and that of the Child, which came out to the Patio de los Naranjos around half past nine in the evening, wore the medals again on the day of his canonical coronation, almost 30 years ago, on October 2, 1994.

Crowds of worshipers waited at the Orange Tree Courtyard receive the Virgin. The night was cool, the flowers were white, pink carnations and tuberoses.

The representations of the brotherhoodsof which she is also the patron saint, were with Her. This Saturday, precisely, at the beginning of the course, the brother was chosen for the swearing-in of the new board of directors of the Group, at the end of the mass in honor of the Virgin.

The bugle and drum band Fallen and Fuensanta He opened the procession, while the escort of the passage was composed of the Fuensanta band. Among the innovative details, it is worth highlighting the work of the female group of the Virgin of the Incarnation, which, together with the men, was led by the foreman Manuel Orozco.

During the homily, Bishop Demetrio Fernandez thanked the Group of Brotherhoods for “the happy initiative they had a few years ago to take it to the Cathedral with the young people and I suggest you do not miss this good habit to bring it to the Cathedral and carry it in procession the day before.

He also stressed that he finds the image of the Virgin of Fuensanta “charming for its simplicity, its size.” On that day, he explains, “we turn our gaze to Mary, Mother of each one of us, and She protects us.”

To the new team led by Manuel Murillo, who took the oath and profession of faith, he addressed warm words: “Thank you very much for accepting this task for four years. servethis task that brings you work, in addition to what you already have and that of your fraternity. And this will not bring you any bonus, on the contrary, it will surely cost you dearly. And you do it with love. The Virgin Mary and Our Lord will repay you in spades,” he told them, in this beginning of work “in the service of the world of the fraternity, of the city of Cordoba.”

The mayor, José María Bellido, and the president of the Provincial Council, Salvador Fuentes, among many institutional representatives, attended the Eucharist.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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