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The Viuda de Cayo cannery in Mendavia wins the prize for the best asparagus in Navarre

This Friday, the best asparagus from Navarre inside the ‘Solidarity tasting of Navarre asparagus. The cannery Widow of Gaiusbased in Mendavia, was the winner.

The event, organized by the Rotary Club of Pamplonabenefits from the support of the PGI “Asparagus of Navarre” and Reyno Gourmet, a brand promoted and managed by the public company INTIA.

The asparagus from Viuda de Cayo was chosen through a blind tasting held at the Tres Reyes Hotel in Pamplona among the different products presented by the participating canneries.

The specialist jury was composed of six people: Cristina TirapuINTIA technician; Paula Martinezhead chef at the Hotel Tres Reyes in Pamplona; Nicolas Ramirez, chef of the Tubal restaurant in Tafalla; the cook Angelita Alfaro and Adela Morcillo and Jesús Resanomembers of the Brotherhood of Asparagus of Navarre.

When making the final decision, the jury took into account various aspects such as the homogeneity of the asparagus in the container in terms of their color, size, length and appearance. And each taster appreciated the texture, color, shape, fibrosity and flavor.

During the event, Joseba Beitiavalue chain coordinator INTIA-Reyno Gourmetstated that “at INTIA-Reyno Gourmet we support the initiatives of quality agri-food brands from Navarre and our role on this occasion was to collect samples and organize the tasting.

We would also like to thank the Rotary Club of Pamplona for choosing Asparagus from Navarre PGI as a solidarity product for the initiatives it promotes around the world.

Solidarity product and recognition of collaborating companies

As in previous years, in addition to obtaining this award, the winning cannery It will contribute to the achievement of various solidarity objectives, since it will be promoted among the 200 Rotary clubs established in Spain, classifying it as a “solidarity product”.

The income that the club obtains from the sale of the solidarity product will be used to purchase vaccines for the eradication of polio in the world through the “programRotary Club’s End Polio Now and for other solidarity purposes.

At today’s event, checks from last year’s collection were presented to The Rotary Foundation’s worldwide Polio Plus program, the local Rotary Foundation project, and the Rotary Foundation’s ASPACE Foundation with the “Speech therapy and new communication technologies program for children with cerebral palsy” and the international projects “30 Sewing Machines + Sunday Coaching in Mirpara”, in India, and “Desks and chairs for Pygmy girls in Ngovayang”, in Cameroon.

In this sense, during the event, five companies that, through their contributions, have helped to help the different projects with which the Rotary Club collaborates, were also honored, with the delivery of an apron: Gescrap Navarra, Duin, Creaciones Selene, Martinez Real State Development, SL and ATEC GET UP SLPU.

Twelfth edition

With this edition of the ‘Solidarity tasting of Navarre asparagusIn canned goods, there have now been twelve editions since 2013. Conservas Gilver was the first winner of the tasting in its first edition; Conservas J. Vela has won the prize seven times (2014, 2015, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023); and Conservas Asensio was a winner in 2017 and 2018.

Widow of Gaius is a family business, based in Mendavia, which has been operating for over 70 years in the preserved vegetable sector, where it has achieved a leading position thanks to its commitment to quality, designations of origin and respect for the natural flavour of Navarrese products.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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