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The WhatsApp of Koldo’s plot intervened by the UCO: “I have entered psychosis, I am going to prison”

THE Central Operational Unit (COU) sent WhatsApp messages between accused to the judge Koldo affair. The agents emphasize Victor de Aldama as the leader of the conspiracy who was infiltrated into the Civil Guard through agent Rubén Villalbaalso accused. This member of Benémerita spoke to his wife about the critical situation after the investigation was opened and wrote that he was afraid to enter “in prison.” “Honey, I’ll tell you one thing, before you leave the house, make sure there is no one unknown around, okay? “Things are going very bad,” he warned his wife in messages consulted by OKDIARIO.

The Civil Guard accused in the Koldo affair He also expressed his anger towards another officer. “I went into psychosisBesides, especially because I saw myself with him the birth of another child and I said, damn man, I’m going to jail, “I don’t know,” Villalba told another force officer. “I know it’s true that, damn, when we find out something, I don’t know what… that I call you on the phone and everything, damn, damn, we were afraid, Shit, shit, shit,” he responds, visibly angry. “I’m already bad there…” blurts out the accused civil guard.

The interlocutor tells Villalba: “Looks like they’re coming there, They have something, I don’t know what. Then it’s true that two days later I speak to the UCO and I tell them, hey, look man, what’s happening, what’s not happening… And they calms us down… But of course in the end, what should we not generate a situation that goes against useven though we have done nothing wrong. “Indeed,” replies Villalba.

“Angry as monkeys”

When they know they are under investigation, anger explodes. “But of course, damn, the Koldo, angry as a monkey; Víctor de Aldama, angry as a monkey, thinking that on top of that we made them a croquette. Damn, we’ve been with them and now we knew they were going to stop them that we got out of the way, that we left them stranded, they’re angry, they’re angry as hell. So, man, in this anger, what I don’t want is Let them start shitting. We must avoid this, this something that we normally did, now because of their anger, they take us and splash us (…) “

In another passage where Rubén Villalba and another Benemérita agent speak, the first transfers: “Now The UCO will be under analysis, right? terminals…” “So what you also need to be aware of, you need to review a little. I checked it on my WhatsApp,” his friend told him. “I honestly can’t rate it because I deleted everything. I deleted everything, following this call he made to me. Fear, psychosis, I thought they were going to come to my house to search me, I thought poof… I mean, if they catch me here passing on someone’s affiliation or something. Psychosis, fear», Says the civil guard involved in the Koldo affair.

“The coffee makers”

Having secure terminals, Koldo and Aldama used “an agreed language to refer to it. In this sense, in Aldama’s conversations with Villalba they called these ultra-secure phones like “coffee makers” and speaking through this line “coffee”.

Thus, the UCO deduces several significant aspects: “the references to terms linked to coffee would in reality be language to designate mobile phones; The expense of 1,150 euros does not correspond to the 2,000 euros that Villalba would receive on a recurring basis; and this amount refers to all cell phone expense and not only that of Aldama, hiding in this accounting part of the cash receipts which would remain unjustified.

“Regarding the cash payments made by Koldo, Villalba claims that these were made for the provision of secure lines communication, without quantifying the amount received in monetary value, as well as other 4,000 euros in cash “which would be delivered by Koldo in September or October 2023 to a seafood restaurant in Madrid”, specifies the UCO.

Focusing the analysis on payments made by Aldama, the UCO states: “Villalba indicates that during the years 2021 and 2022, Aldama made several payments of 2,000 euros in cash And in person by himself or by a subordinate. Villalba acknowledges in this document that between him and other agents they would have collected between 5 or 6 deliveries of this type, i.e. a total amount of between 10,000 and 12,000 euros. In total, at least 50,000 euros to protect communications from the alleged corruption plot in one of the ministries with the most budget manages within the government of Pedro Sánchez.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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