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HomeTop StoriesThe World Anti-Doping Agency requests between one and two years of sanction

The World Anti-Doping Agency requests between one and two years of sanction

The Sinner affair has taken a new turn. It seems that after the verdict of the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA)Jannick Sinner He was not going to receive a heavier sanction than the one already imposed. It must be remembered that the transalpine tennis player lost his points and cash prizes from Indian Wells after testing positive clostebola substance from the anabolic family which improves sports performance.

The court that made this decision also determined that Fisherman it wasn’t guilty or negligent for its double positive. This is why the sanction did not go further, generating a lot of controversy in the world of tennis. However, it is now the World Anti-Doping Agency who, after investigating the matter, determined that the world number one’s conviction was not guilty. not applicabletaking into account the standards in force.

This is why WADA requested in a press release a period of ineligibility for the player between one and two years. Of course, the organization no longer requested disqualification from any other Sinner tournament except the one for which he was already sanctioned.

“This matter is currently pending before the CAS, WADA will not make any further comments at this time,” the agency concludes in the press release. It should be remembered that Jannick alleged that clostebol was present in his system because of an aerosol that had been introduced. used by him. physiotherapist giving massage.




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