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HomeLatest Newsthe worst supermarket to buy meat

the worst supermarket to buy meat

THE meat It is one of the foods or ingredients that are not lacking in our diet or, in fact, in that of the majority of Spaniards if we take into account that In a single year, the average meat consumption in our country reaches almost 50 kilos per person according to data from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (year 2021), although other data assure that it is much more. In fact, the FAO, an agency dependent on the United Nations, reports a consumption of up to 100 kilos per person per year. Being a widely consumed food, it is important know where to buy meat and in this sense, the OCU seems to have the answer.

THE Consumer and User Organization (OCU) It always informs about all the foods or consumer products that are essential in the consumer basket and, in the case of meat, it reveals where the worst quality is sold and also where the best is found. It has done so since survey of over 5,000 people shopping at 18 of the most popular supermarket chains of the country. In this way, we can now know which supermarket offers the best and which one offers the worst meat, even if it is a food that many prefer to buy cut in a traditional butcher’s shop, rather than packaged in a tray as it is usually sold in supermarkets. . However, we must not forget that some chains also have their own butcher’s shop within each store. Let’s get to know them then Supermarkets that have the worst meat according to the OCU and which ones have the best.

OCU warns: worst supermarket to buy meat

When buying the products we consume or the foods we are going to eat, it is essential to know where to find those with the best quality. Recently, the Consumer and User Organization (OCU) conducted a thorough investigation to determine What is the best and worst supermarket to buy meat in Spain? The results were eye-opening and, to the surprise of many, revealed that not all supermarkets offer the same quality of meat products.

So, and after having interviewed to more than 5,000 customers from 18 different brandsTHE OCU stressed that it was in the Dia Supermarkets Or They sell the worst meat in terms of quality. Consumers who frequent this chain gave Dia’s meat an alarming rating, placing it last on the list. With a difference of up to 22 points compared to other supermarkets, the results reflect widespread dissatisfaction among consumers.

But what does this low score really mean? According to respondents, the main problems seems to be related to freshness and flavor of the meattwo fundamental aspects that determine whether a meat product is of quality or not. In addition, Some customers pointed out that the presentation and cutting of the meat left a lot to be desired.which contributes to a less than satisfactory shopping experience.

After Dia in this ranking, we find Aldi. Although it doesn’t receive as harsh criticism as Dia, the German chain also received a low rating, partly because of the low frequency with which consumers choose to buy meat in its stores. This suggests that Aldi’s offering is not meeting its customers’ expectations, whether in terms of quality, variety or both.

Where to buy the best meat?

Fortunately, not everything in the OCU report is negative. At the other end of the spectrum, we find Esclata supermarket which, even if it is only present in Cataloniawas rated with an impressive score of 84 out of 100. Esclat consumers highlight the high quality of the meat, with positive comments about its freshness, flavor and presentation.

And if we have to speak at the national level, Hipercor is positioned as the best alternative, with a score of 79 out of 100. Consumers who choose Hipercor do so primarily for the consistent quality of its meat, making it a reliable option for meat lovers.

In short, we see how the results of this OCU study invite us to reflect on the importance of choosing where we buy our food. Meat, an essential product in many diets, deserves special attention. It is crucial that consumers are informed and able to make decisions based on quality, beyond price or convenience. Although Dia considers the cake to be the worst place to buy meat, there are options like Esclat and Hipercor that guarantee a great shopping experience much more satisfying. So now you know, next time you go to the supermarket, remember that not all steaks are the same and a bad choice can directly affect your enjoyment and your health.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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